I have received a number of e-mails over the years from disgruntled parents griping about the left-wing indoctrination their kids are forced to undergo at colleges and universities all over America.Yeah! College suck suck sucks!
Whenever people use that court of law argument to make a point, I know they’re desperate. Heck, O.J. Simpson and Al Capone were never convicted of murder, and Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Idi Amin and Kim Jong-il, have never even been convicted of jay-walking.Hmm, here's where the "college sucks" doctrine fail fail fails.
Mikey loves screenshots:

The link, FYI, like it matters, you hair-splitting pedants.
A new and exotic definition of sarcasm walks the land:

Y'know, between The History Channel and Wingnut Pundits, I'm REALLY tired of this Hitler fellah...
adrove me freakin crazy!
I predict Hitler, when historians finally begin to assess his career, will be viewed negatively.
You may be right.
I read many times on Sadly, No! that many people take a dim view of Nazis...
...most high school grads would enter trade schools. America will always need nurses...
700K LPNs - trade school
2300K RNs - degree
Also, the real thing that was black and white and red all over was Hitler.
Got a response out of Burt.
Ooooh SNAP. "Substanceless Nogravitas" has gotta sting as much as being called "Unrighteous".
Joelim is hilarious though.
Joelim's tenacious, which is fun.
Yeah, well, the Moncada trial doesn't count because Fidel simply would not SHUT UP.
“I told her I won’t pay the tuition for any classes that end in the word “studies”.
Great, because usually the departments or centers have "studies" in their names and not the classes. And for what it's worth, my dad majored in something called American Studies, graduating from college in 1963.
yeah, well what do you expect if you won't get offa his lawn?
And for what it's worth, my dad majored in something called American Studies, graduating from college in 1963.
And That Year Kennedy Was Shot. Way to go, J—'s dad.
OT: Klavan is praising racial profiling over at PJM
What, no screen shot?
Is McGrav getting shy on us?
Question: What do you get when you cross a snake with a powerful analgesic?
Capcha says anaconin
Oh! No Fair using stats and a link on 'em Substance McLeftous!
You know who else won't get OFFA MA LAWN?
Hitler that's who.
Your bizarre reliance on "facts" and "statistics" leaves me unimpressed. It just goes to show you that there are always facts that disprove my assertion. It is undeniable that facts are untrue in my imaginary land.
It's like I tell people who correct my spelling.
"See there? Webster was wrong too!"
The gnome is CLEARLY ridiculing the Third Reich. I mean, duh.
That place is just sad, and there you are, poking them with a stick. Aren't you ashamed? And just when you should be animating hot Stalin-stomping grannies in Democrat panties. Do it for Burt.
The Left unites as one on granny porn.
Thank god.
The blue dogs rise to question the values represented by Granny Porn. The blue dogs would like to just slow the whole Granny Animation process down while they enter into detailed negotiations with their friends across the aisle in order to reach a bipartisan consensus on Grannies....
Substance McGravitas is just another of them liberal elitists with their foots on the throats of good ol' bubbas of Amurka and he probably wants to surrender to terrrist, also.
nada mas que chandala
bor-reeng, frat-boy, pseudo-liberal jaggoff BS as per usual, @ 50+ burt-belches per month
Is incoherence some kind of minimum requirement for membership?
'Cause I'm planning to get dinner started, then get stoned.
So I might be able to qualify in a little bit!
bor-reeng, frat-boy, pseudo-liberal jaggoff BS as per usual, @ 50+ burt-belches per month
I've been doing it WRONG.
uh huh
I thought '9' was what the German grannies keep saying to Bubba.
They say 9 9 9 at first, but after that it's all Google Google Google.
'Cause I'm planning to get dinner started, then get stoned.
see how the lessons of experience give the man the right order of priorities.
Cuz less experienced people might get stoned first. and That can cause some tragic accidents in the cooking realm...
Google Google Google can reveal the Hindu connection.
Dude, that is the greatest song that Kermit ever sung.
Looks like Sub McG started before mikey....
I rate for the second Kermit album produced by Steve Lilypad. "Touch my legs and I break le visage"
Capcha assures me that is panki
I can't go down that road, as I am listening to Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show.
Why can't I quityan?
I can't go down that road, as I am listening to Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show.
The stomping granny?
Sylvia's mother.
Ha ha, ghost post.
Leave it to Germans to not have a sense of humor about Hitler.
Some redundancy in that sentence.
As it happens, the university has just appointed me to the prestigious position of Chair of Jaywalking-on-Burt's-Lawn Studies.
I thought '9' was what the German grannies keep saying to Bubba.
They say Nine While Nine.
I find dolphins and kittens with sunglasses really add to the Sisters of Mercy experience.
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