The flag, the new state's constitution and its name all became the focus of a bitter dispute between [Macedonia and Greece], during which Greece imposed an economic blockade on the Republic from February 1994. In July 1995, Greece lodged a request with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for exclusive copyright to the Vergina Sun. Greek objections also prevented the flag from being flown at the United Nations Headquarters building in New York The blockade was lifted in October 1995 when an agreement was reached to change the flag, modify the constitution and resolve the naming dispute through United Nations-sponsored negotiations.

Did Macedonia learn this lawlessness from Romania? You decide:

I'm confused.
Why would the GREEKS even care about the Vagina Sun?
I am not your son.
Based on the illustrations Kurt Vonnegut thoughtfully included in Breakfast of Champions, that does NOT look like a vagina.
In fact, it looks like something that WOULD interest the Greeks....
I'm truly impressed. Whose flag izzat has been nagging me since acquiring this shower curtain/visual aid a few mos. back. And now the question I couldn't be arsed to look up is answered for me.
Fans of the McMartin trial/hysteria will recall the term "anal wink." Perhaps Mall*Wart's new logo could be part of the non-stop giffing around here.
Looks like a Vergina Dentata.
The top one is a brown of thorns.
When we lived in Melbourne, Australia, the soccer games that got the most "lively" fans along were when Melbourne Hellas played Sydney Macedonia. It may have been one of those games where they banned spectators one year.
But I really want to know about the connection with the Imperial Japanese army and those two countries. Did Alexander get that far?
That Romania decal looks like a cheap ass beer label.
Drink Timişoara Bier, Comrade. After all, what could go wrong?
An interesting link to be sure:
In 2002, the editors of the World Almanac elected the ten best flags of all states of the world. The Macedonian flag ended up in second place, the first was the flag of Bhutan
P.S. Are we not talking about Cappuccinos anymore. Mine is "suspect".
And I don't think we should eat raw beef...
All these years I have been using the official Romanian / Macedonian cookbook, and not even aware of it.
The good Herr Doktor knows better than to take the name of the Edmonds Cook Book in vain.
I didn't know Spanish was the Official Language of Romania. Or is that Italian?
WV can't spell: "dessign."
Romanian is awfully Latin. Think about it. They still name their kids Octavian and Marius and Romulus and shit. (Just joking about shit.)
What about Grey Poupon, S.M.?
That has been cured.
The granny looks kinda good bouncing in one of the coats of arms.
That's 'cause the granny is smokin hot!
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