Canada has dropped out of the top 10 in international math education standings, a decline that is raising alarms about the country’s future prosperity.John Manley can suck my ass:
“This is on the scale of a national emergency,” said John Manley, CEO and president of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, which has sounded the alarm on the shortfalls in our education system. “We’ve got the natural resource sector to pay the rent, but that just keeps us in the house. We need skills, we need knowledge-workers to really improve our prosperity and build our society … Having the skills becomes a very important element to attracting investment and creating jobs.”

Education is a provincial and not a federal responsibility, and some provinces are doing quite nicely. That, however, doesn't serve the propaganda interests of idiots and assholes.
I might agree to an emergency in PEI.
Canada did not fare too well in reading or science, either. Only one country outperformed Canada in reading in 2000, and now five do. In science, two countries outperformed Canada in 2006, and that number rose to seven.Two of those "countries" being Hong Kong-China and Shanghai-China, no doubt the most representative classes the Chinese could muster.
Sorry Americans, you have slipped beneath the Newfies in all areas.
Sorry Americans, you have slipped beneath the Newfies in all areas.
Sorry Americans, you have slipped beneath the Newfies in all areas.
Education is a state and not a federal responsibility, and some states are doing quite nicely.
I believe Massachusetts is also way up the list on its own.
Oh, but not as good as US.
You may un-neen when you feel ready.
Pshaw. You claimed slippage under Newfies; one might be perfectly willing to be under some other provinces, but that was an INSULT, sir.
Very well, you are allotted one suffixless neen. The suffix may have to wait three years, possibly more.
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