Jonah knows from breathtaking dishonesty and/or stupidity:As Noah Glyn noted the other day, apparently Nancy Pelosi is not content to let Harry Reid win the title of shabbiest congressional leader uncontested. She says Republicans want to poison children with E. coli. Or something.
“I say to [Republicans], do you have children that breathe air? Do you have grandchildren that drink water?,” Pelosi asked. “I’m a mom and I have five kids . . . as a mom I was vigilant about food safety, right moms? If you could depend on the government for one thing it was that you had to be able to trust the water that our kids drank and the food that they ate. But this is the E. coli club. They do not want to spend money to do that.”The dishonesty and/or stupidity of all this is really quite breathtaking — and obvious. First of all, you could cut government funding down to 1950 levels and still have money for food safety. But this is what liberals do. They metaphorically lash children to the fenders of government so that the budget cutting blade must slice through them first. Then, after insanely putting them in harm’s way, they proclaim it is the sane budget cutters who seek to harm children. In fairness, sometimes liberals hold the young human shields in reserve and put firehouses, historic monuments, and old-age homes outside the budgetary walls of the fiscal keep. And, again, they declare that the fiscally sane want to get rid of firefighters and the Washington Monument — and not, say, the Export-Import Bank or agricultural subsidies.
Arguing that the U.S. food supply is 99 percent safe, House Republicans cut millions of dollars Thursday from the Food and Drug Administration’s budget, denying the agency money to implement landmark food safety laws approved by the last Congress.
Saying the cuts were needed to lower the national deficit, the House also reduced funding to the Agriculture Department’s food safety inspection service, which oversees meat, poultry and some egg products. And lawmakers chopped $832 million from an emergency feeding program for poor mothers, infants and children. Hunger groups said that change would deny emergency nutrition to about 325,000 mothers and children.

It is really crazy. He usually shies away from outright declarations, but the food safety battle is the one that Republicans specifically chose: they just don't want to pay for it. And in their ideal world those programs wouldn't exist in the first place.
In fact, their argument in this particular policy battle is the poster child for laissez-faire mendacity:
"No, you see, if a company sold poisoned food people wouldn't buy it and the company would go broke. Therefore the market will police itself."
Of course.
Just like it always has...
"No, you see, if a company sold poisoned food people wouldn't buy it and the company would go broke.
The dead people are still dead, though. I guess FREEDOM ISN'T FREE. Small consolation to the old lady who died from barfing.
He berates Democrats for metaphorically lashing kids to the bumper. He wants Dems to really do it so the Republicans can slash right through the children without having to reach over the military subsidies.
Also Jonah figures he can outlast the flesh-eating bacteria.
Hmm, there's a good story in that...
Small consolation to the old lady who died from barfing.
I warned her not to swallow the horse.
old lady who died from barfing.
The life of ex-models is a hard one.
Eventually, the people who die from eating foolishly eating the poison food of bad companies will disappear from the gene pool, and by natural selection....
Oops, can't go there if you're a gooper.
Magicke of the markets, then.
I warned her not to swallow the horse.
yeah, she should have spit.
Has ZRM been banned lately?
Truly beyond the palomino.
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