Adrienne (Caos) SinclairThe attached picture:
California, CA
"Dear Mr Cain many years ago I find this not so unique for christians I knew a man Charles in died at 54 i knew him and and his wife and they were beautiful from the heart christians. at one point in my live i was going to lose my home and well he heard about it, so me at Maass and told me Adrinne I want you to go down to the bank Monday and there wil be a check for 40.000 dollars. I told him I dont know how in the world i would pay it back and he just said don.t worry you are young and you have your whole live to pass a blessing on to someone else, At any rate he died at 54 of a heart attack and when I went to the funeral I was not surprised to see at least 500 or more people at his funeral and I went up to his wife and she told me has helped so many people his whole life and I looked in those green eyes with flowing tears and I said I was one of those people! she looked at me and just hugged me and said you know he would always keep his giving between God and himself, I said yes not for others to see. That was a long time ago and it is funny and it is so normal men who have that kind of heart, My dad would give a waitress 100 dollar tips and I just thought since I was a child that was normal, giving unconditional that is true Christianity and I get Herman Cain and A president who will save the Republic, I wish there are more Herman Cains they don't show up at big benefits they give and only God can see, that is real to me,,, yes and I have had a life where I can give even when it hurt to women men children, that was a good lesson to learn where only God can see."

Click for full size! Oh, and have these:
The LinkedIn profile makes me feel somewhat mean.
Best Eyes Contest for Females.
how long before you animate that one?
Good old fashioned nightmare fuel, for sure....
I don't think very long. YIKES.
There are chemicals that will do that to one's pupils but I DO NOT SPECULATE.
The resemblance is uncanny.
But who are these 'women for cain'? Like who are the women in that cringely chosen picture of 'women for cain'? Well, first of all, if you're one of the four, please contact us. But the photo is here at the shutterstock photo library website. The photographer is Robert Kneschke, a photographer from Cologne, Germany. So presumably these 'women for Cain' are actually Germans.
I'm anxious to see the uploaded videos the Cain campaign chooses to make public.
mult -faceted in that I also wrtie books
I can add nothing at all.
Groups and Associations:
I'm pretty sure she's in my painting class...
"Women for Cain"
On consideration I decided that "Books for Libraries" was a more worthy cause.
I'm embarrassed FOR Women for Cain. Never thought I'd be FOR anything for Herman Cain.
She's the reason I didn't go into showbiz.
The little eyes make lovely beauty marks.
Oddly she looks less crazy-creepy with the eyes.
that...was not pleasant to look at
If you choose the mid-sized eyes they go well with the eyebrows.
Googly eyes, nipples and moles!
I think we'll see her again during season 2 of American Horror Story
Brando, the show is creepy enough as is, thanks.
Brando- have you been watching??
The little ones look really good in the nostril area.
Jennifer, are you watching?
Linking to this before ITTDGY does.
I sense the birth of a meme.
Next up? Mollusks for Cain.
Then Paraplegics for Cain.
Maybe Finks for Cain. (Hey, there are a LOT of Finks and they have a roundup and hoedown every year in Fink Texas.)
Chrysanthemums for Cain.
Orb Weavers for Cain.
Giardia for Cain.
And, because it cannot be avoided, Zombies for Cain...
OK, then I'm linking to this, which was relevant a few threads ago.
I gave her a third eye because I thought she could use the gift of second sight, since her first one isn't working to well.
What a cool thing you have going on here with all those playthings. I was thinking about having something like that--- like a collage--- where there would be pieces of cyber-fabric or assorted papers wheres peoples could make a collage or quilt and post it, so that everybody could see what different things everybody did with the given, and maybe have the option of adding a piece or two of your own.
Whaddya think? Communal cyber--collage? Off the top of my head, it seems like it would be the same as what you do hear, only with a save and upload widgetty-boo.
I thought "Women for Cain" would be a procurement site.
starcrazzzzy promotions
You're not being mean.
Here is the work of yet another sick, twisted Internet stalker.
Whaddya think? Communal cyber--collage?
That's kind of hard to arrange. The dragging and dropping is easy but capturing it is hard unless you have total control of the browser environment, and that might mean Flash, and if it means Flash then it might be difficult to add or subtract pictorial elements.
Uploading an image is actually pretty easy on its own...
Chairperson says: The eyes have it, motion carried.
The "women for Cain" photo can be purchased for a nominal fee at shutterstock. I think it will good on your masthead as "Women with Substance"
And, because it cannot be avoided, Zombies for Cain...
Hey now....
Don't feel mean. Anyone who hasn't figured out spell-check yet needs a reality check.
I too was caught in her crazzzzy spell. She says she's an ASCAP writer sine 1978,best known for writing "Tell It Like It Is." That song was written back in the '60s by George Davis and Lee Diamond. So ... maybe a different song with the same name? Or maybe she's delusional.
I don't judge but I will say this poor woman reminds me way too much of the homeless woman I've been working with. As we say down South: well bless her heart.
The gratootyyus spelenigs boffos on teh LinkedIn wasn't wot gave me teh shivers. I mean other than teh make-up.
It was teh "I love raising my kids, especially teh oldest one who's teh best part of teh famblee."
Hey, Subby--- clouds already uploaded a widget to let select people upload stuff to the website because he knows I want to let all you guys promote your visual stuph on the domain.
So I'm gonna tell him my communal studio idea (i'm thinking regulars could maybe own "an easel" and part of a wall, so to speak, and have access to their own little program, within that cyberspace). If he finds it interesting, doable, and challenging, he'll probably see what he can do (eventually).
He's on vacation now, and I promised him that if he put up the blogroll I wouldn't ask him to do anything else on muh domain until he gets back. I filled out all the info for the blog, as best I could, so all he had to do was find the feeds and to get the blogroll to post. ahm a keepin' muh wird
I'm scared now.
I was really betting that those comments were written by campaign staffers, but now I take it back.
Nothing prevents her from being a staffer I guess...
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