The always-engaging Michael Barone theorizes that Mitt Romney sounds corny because he “missed the Sixties.” Is that a bad thing? He was married and had two small children to care for in the ’60s. No time to occupy anything, smoke pot, or have casual sex. I can live with that in a potential president. Don’t you wish everyone had missed the ’60s?
The NRO knives are being sharpened.
A K-Lo interview:
LOPEZ: You write that “many 1990s GOP leaders still wonder whether Gingrich’s private conduct affected the way he carried out his public responsibilities.” Is it possible for private conduct to ever not have something important to do with public responsibilities?The reliably racist Mark Krikorian:
OLASKY: I wrote an American history book in 1999 and concluded that the answer to that question is probably no, because everything we do affects our thinking in some way. But there’s another issue for prominent people like Newt: Secret activities do not remain secret for long, and those who find out may expose them, or may keep them secret because they find value in doing so. My probe into whether Dick Armey’s story made sense led to a bigger mystery: Since many Democrats, including Barney Frank, knew about Newt’s affair, why didn’t they out him? (They outed Henry Hyde, whose affair wasn’t even current.) What did Dems gain by not outing Newt? I don’t have the contacts or clout to find out the answer, but maybe someone else does.
If Gingrich is the nominee, barring a dead girl or live boy in the Lincoln Bedroom, Obama wins. However hard he tries, he can’t stop being Newt. And that’s not someone middle-of-the-road Obama voters now suffering buyer’s remorse are going to vote for. (And no, this has nothing to do with immigration, I’m not being paid by the Romney campaign, and I didn’t get marching orders from Kathryn.)If only Newt hadn't bought into free love. Or paid love for that matter.
Peace, love and alfalfa sprouts didn't mean not having a family... Mitt missed the boat cuz he wasn't plugged in to the world outside. He seems like a terribly stunted human being.
But is he the BEST stunted human being to be president?
"no time to occupy anything?" Jesus, lady, lots of those folks missed the 60s too.
However hard he tries, he can’t stop being Newt.
Since many Democrats, including Barney Frank, knew about Newt’s affair, why didn’t they out him?
Well OBVIOUSLY they were expecting him to become a presidential candidate decades later, so they were holding it back to sand-bag him with it when it would do most damage.
Obviously their forbearance couldn't have been based on "scruples", or "suspicion that the media would simply ignore the allegations".
I think you're missing the NEWT WAS IN LEAGUE WITH THE DEMOCRATS!!! angle.
I like that in the wingnut world, smoking pot and having casual sex is the absolutely worst thing you can do. Starting wars based on lies and killing thousands of Americans and brown people? I guess that's just not as bad. *shrug*
And I'm sure no hippie ever got married, had a job or had children. *bangs head on desk*
He was married and had two small children to care for in the ’60s. No time to occupy anything, smoke pot, or have casual sex. I can live with that in a potential president. Don’t you wish everyone had missed the ’60s?
Wikipedia tells me Romney counter-protested protesters opposed to draft status tests at Stanford in 1966 and had his first child in 1970.
(And no, this has nothing to do with immigration, I’m not being paid by the Romney campaign, and I didn’t get marching orders from Kathryn.)
Not like those lockstep liberals on journolist. I hope there's a dog-whistle hell they can go to where the high-pitched squeals they've emitted will drive them eternally mad.
Mitt missed the boat cuz he wasn't plugged in to the world outside.
A prisoner of his own magic underwear.
Wikipedia tells me Romney counter-protested protesters opposed to draft status tests at Stanford in 1966
What a shitweasel. Hell, he knew his blue blood wasn't going to tint the waters of some rice paddy. That shit's for one's lessers.
It is so cute watching the Republican elite realize that the base is too bigoted to vote for someone who might weasel his way into winning the general election.
Newt absolutely won't stand for K-Lo landing a 747 across his slumped shoulders, so it's over for him.
A prisoner of his own magic underwear.
Worst John-Paul Sartre play EVAH.
Mitt missed the boat cuz he wasn't plugged in to the world outside.
He very often has to be plugged in, to recharge.
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