Here is Michael Moriarty writing about how funny Mark Steyn is when he's talking about Anthony Weiner:
Aim his gifts at a sitting duck or abbreviation for a sitting Richard The Massive or Big Dick, such as Anthony Weiner’s Twilling Twitter Twease … and, well, you encourage an impressionable septuagenerian – the word is in the D-Wiktionary – such as myself, you send him off to composing alliterative tomes!That is a perfect seed.
But slowly now. Very slowly.
Settings, with the Moriarty quote plus a bunch of junk up the page:

Same settings:
Twilling alliterative tomes!Again:
But slowly
now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very
Very slowly now. Very slowly now.
Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowly
now. Very
slowly now. Very slowly now. Very slowl
toAnd again:
the phrase,
“Twitpic crotch shot”.
This the phrase, “Twitpic crotch shot”.
Sir Tyrone court but from
centers not merely familiar with both Palace an impressionable septuage.”
Suitable of English his gifts at a sitting.
Aim history, Mark Steyn, once remarked to the transplantic Arts or verbal-speaking alliterative or Big Dick, such as Mark Steyn pulls of Musical the same verses to the phrase, “Twitter crities of theater, myself minous paragraphs to composing started genius introduction for abbreviation for abbreviation for abbreviationable of the phrase, “Twitter Twe
American Third Millennium and ominous paragraphs to combine much as Mark Steyn, once remarked to the
London Academy of the D-Wiktionable septuage.”
Suitably humbled, I crawled of Music and descends with both Palace an impressionable alliterative or abbreviations or verbal-speaking standard English-speaking in
the same verses to theater, myself, young American pull off a “Weiner Twease … and a few of England ominous paragraphs to the endless in his
gifts at a sitting.
Aim history, the world War I gravitas a minous paragraphs to the London Academy of English-speaking duck or verbal-speaking th
Theyre all about equally as coherent. I guess he's still drinkin'.
Weiner Tweasing is painful.
I would think! I say don't twease the Weiner, tease it.
An entire tome that's alliterated? I'd like to see that.
I guess it keeps it the wingnuts off the streets.
Man, the original sucks, Janusnode actually improves it
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