I think if there's a way to get to the heart of why we should support the troops, Comic Sans messages from hulking thugs with mildly reprehensible design elements - is that a rising sun he's obscuring? - are just the thing. But who is this mysterious bruiser?
Bosch Fawstin is the creator of Pigman, the jihadist’s worst nightmare, who wears pigskin leather to exploit the enemy’s pigotry. To see Pigman’s 1st appearance in print, check out ProPiganda: Drawing the Line Against Jihad.I see. We can expect that with each jihadi defeat at the hands of Pigman, local villagers freed of their oppression will rush out to embrace their porky hero.
In comments J— informs us that the put-upon natives of Islamistan have another reason to love Pigman: he too worships the god of Ibrahim.

A hard-core leather-fetish hero? This is getting into chapless ass territory. What is the US military position on gimp-suits in combat?
I have a queasy suspicion that in the unlikely event of Bosch Fawstin extending his concern for troops as far as disabled veterans, it would be in the form of amputee fetishism.
A Randroid, don't you know.
He's also a contributor to the blog Mosquewatch, along with some guy named Grant Swank.
"In a coastal town, near Wismar, as he's falling to sleep in a little park, they surround Slothrop and tell him the story of Plechazunga, the Pig-Hero who, sometime in the 10th century, routed a Viking explosion, appearing suddenly out of a thunderbolt and chasing a score of screaming Norsemen back into the sea."
I think when Snag meets Pigman, barbecue will result.
If not Pork Explosion.
Seriously, or maybe semi-seriously, are the wingnuts now not only humor-impaired, but graphics-retarded? Can they not identify the creepy or fascistic overtones in their own artwork?
I mean, jumping Grannies is one thing, but Pigman is just fricking BAD.
He's also a contributor to the blog Mosquewatch, along with some guy named Grant Swank.
Man, if you're gonna rise in this world, hitch your wagon to a star.
Don't make me the first one to quote teh Pink Floyd lyrics.
He's also a contributor to the blog Mosquewatch, along with some guy named Grant Swank.William Carlos Williams has nothing on the Pastah for surreal prose...
teh Pink Floyd lyrics.
There are other directions to go.
Where does that thumb attach, the center of his palm? And oh my God, those sausage fingers. Christ Jesus Almighty, YOU HAVE A HAND, FOR GOD'S SAKE LOOK AT IT.
I seriously thought it was a Planet of the Apes, pastiche. Why should a gorilaa with a Rising Sun flag behind it make me patriotic.
Say, Burt's kinda interested in Pig/gorilla boy, giving him the eye.
Have you seen the one in which Pigman has a Star of David on his chest and a U.S. flag belt buckle? Awesome.
Pigman and Israel. Jeebus, that's some pig.
If anything's gonna put paid to the Jewish conspiracy nonsense so common in the Middle East it's a Star of David on your propaganda tools.
I salute this near perfect example of self-mockery, complete with assless chaps.
In our overarching bigotry towards Arabs, Muslims and Islamic people, we have chosen as our representative, Pigman. Because in our pride of race, place and terrified paranoid caucasian-ness, our heroes and warriors should represent the pinnacle of our cultural achievements, the purity of our purpose and the advancement of our society.
No, see. THEY DON'T EAT PORK! Get it? What, stop laughing. Lemme explain it to you again...
I wonder that he has no lobster sidekick.
Pigman has a Star of David on his chest and a U.S. flag belt buckle?
I mistook it for a bar-code. "Contents: Beer; Pizza; snackfoods."
Teh Great Gazoogle brings us The Expanding Gimp-suit.
"Meet my lobster sidekick. She does not bark and she knows the secret of the sea."
Yes, my lobster sidekick "Pinchy". She can communicate with other crustaceans and is not delicious in a Mornay sauce
Let's admit to the handiness of the rising sun motif for North Korea, shall we libs?
I don't know why Pigman would have a Lobster sidekick, when it would seem much more appropriate and effective if his sidekick was Pastman, or Pilafman.
With occasional assists from that mysterious international hero, Qinoaman...
Well, there are some pretty interesting pork and lobster recipes out there. Kosher as all get out!
An alternate loveable sidekick would be Rottweilerman. Or maybe Leapin' Lynndie.
In our overarching bigotry towards Arabs, Muslims and Islamic people, we have chosen as our representative, Pigman. Because in our pride of race, place and terrified paranoid caucasian-ness, our heroes and warriors should represent the pinnacle of our cultural achievements, the purity of our purpose and the advancement of our society.
Ah, but he's a step ahead on this one. You see, Fawstin, who identifies himself as someone of Muslim background, has created Killian Duke, a Muslim who leaves Islam after 9/11 and who in turn creates the superhero Pigman, also an ex-Muslim who in his fight against jihad wears pigskin to exploit the enemy's "pigotry." The archenemy Duke creates for Pigman is called SuperJihad.
See the FrontPage Magazine interview for more thrilling details.
Serves me right for ignoring Burt's well reasoned advice...
Along with the lobster sidekick, sometimes Pigman gets the help of Cutlery and Platter Boy, who cuts and serves the meat and the cheese with the same knives and plates. He's a wild card!
I for one believe that the adventures of Lobster Boy -- world's only Ectrodactylous Superhero -- deserve their own comic book.
Captcha reminds me that collectors prefer to call them 'graphyds', not comic books.
I for one believe that the adventures of Lobster Boy -- world's only Ectrodactylous Superhero -- deserve their own comic book.
"Hero" might be a stretch.
I don't know why Pigman would have a Lobster sidekickTASTINESS JIHAD!!
Pigman vs. SuperJihad?
Sounds like Lucha Libre to me.
Lucha Libre TO THE DEATH.
Pigman vs. SuperJihad?
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