Dear Mr. Goldberg...
Allow me to express my heartfelt congratulations on your two successful books. Since I am an illustrator, and it falls within my professional interests, I must profess admiration for the covers of both your books. The smiley face with the Hitler mustache is iconic and jarring. Furthermore, the cover’s simple design intertwines nicely with the books academic leanings, but the smiley prevents it from appearing humorless.
I just can't tell these days.
Anyway, it gets more graphic later on:

As usual, the internet provides a rejoinder:

Talented yet incomprehensible illustrator Zach Franzen, author of the work above the shitty picture I did, lives in Greenville, South Carolina. Where that asshole George Tierney lives.
I know noz-zing.
Ether - makes you laugh.
those Jonah illustrations need wine stains on the shirts.
The book cover makes me think he's taking a piss...but one never can tell. At any rate, his art is terrific and if he's seriously a Jonah fan, consider me officially bummed.
I think his next book should have this for a cover.
I did leave a link to my even crappier version of Jonah as Matter Eater Lad, and it hasn't shown up.
Speaking of which, does Matter Eater Lad eat all of the garbage and shit produced by the other superheroes? It'd be a real Green Initiative.
Is he a sidekick, or a Super Hero, S_McG?
The cartoon Arthur was a little bit more Jonah, bodywise.
Necessarily a sidekick, we have to say. There simply isn't a way that Jonah's a leading conservative intellectual. I mean, everyone contributing to Renew America would have to die first.
I mean, everyone contributing to Renew America would have to die first.
I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Btw, know what I searched at dA to find my cover art? "Fat vore."
Poe's Law wins again.
Would that be "Angry Johnny" or the still interesting despite being noticeably outdated "Hello"?
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