The evolution of CNN's ongoing collapse can be found here, here, and here. Even during an election year, the "most trusted name in news" is imploding and as I've mentioned numerous times before, the reason for this is obvious. CNN insults their audience -- left, right, and middle -- on a daily basis with their superior and utterly false pose that it is an objective outlet for news.Am I missing something? The first link is to a piece noting that Breitbart supporters cheerfully call Meghan McCain "Porkchop Barbie". Which they do.
Anyway, yes, CNN is bad. What is making Americans turn away from it?
But dishonest, left-wing CNN and Brooke Baldwin beclown themselves from behind their phony shield of objectivity when, among other things, Tony Perkins is asked,I had been under the impression that homosexuals bother Tony Perkins. Doesn't he lead a lobbying effort against gay marriage? In any case, the assumption that asking honest questions of Tony Perkins is a negative for CNN may be changing.when did you stop beating your wife?"Why do homosexuals bother you so much?" And then CNN acts all surprised as their brand swirls the drain.
Look behind me. It is a nice day.

The first link is to a piece noting that Breitbart supporters cheerfully call Meghan McCain "Porkchop Barbie". Which they do.
How do they do that? I mean, how do they link to comments which don't support, and even may refute, the premise of their posts, and completely gloss over the fact that they've done so?
I mean, they're not smart people, but they're smart enough to link to other sites... how can they not be smart enough to link to sites which corroborate what they've written?
In 2008, John Nolte declared himself "a friend to the gay man" but opposed same sex marriage, because "then the left wouldn't stop there."
From his posted today review of Albert Nobbs: "Throughout all of this, the filmmakers expect us to remain sympathetic to the poor, oppressed, eternally pinched Nobbs -- which is not only a bridge too far but the kind of immoral myth-making that only fuels the unfair charge that homosexuals are predators desperate to convert the weak and unsuspecting."
Unrelated but also fun: ""Hondo" is one of many cinematic documents that lays bare the lie that Wayne was some kind of simplistic actor who appeared in simplistic films surrounding the relationship between 19th century America and the American Indian. "Hondo" presents that relationship in a more mature, nuanced, and realistic way than anything politically-correct Hollywood has delivered in the last twenty years. "
I mean, they're not smart people, but they're smart enough to link to other sites...
Nolte's really inept where technology is concerned which is exactly why St. Breitbart yadda yadda yadda. Nerdy rollover joke here.
Hmm, the crappy laptop's camera is not the best now that I can see the picture in better light.
Nolte's readers would either not follow the links or assume it was some intellectualism that they were not supposed to understand i.e. "Me not unnerstand but ME LIKE!!"
The Cheney News Network is indeed a hotbed of Marxism.
I mean, they're not smart people, but they're smart enough to link to other sites... how can they not be smart enough to link to sites which corroborate what they've written?
It's like B4 is completely unaware of the people he is talking about.
their brand swirls the drain
HA HA Nolte can't spell 'skwirl'.
He's just afraid of the inevitable attack of the mambas that would follow, S.C.
Yeah, the skwirls are in the plumbing, I can hear the little bastards in there.
Cee Enn Enn?
For crissakes, Wolf Blitzer (fucker stole my party name) once asked a guest "how should we deal with Iran's nuclear weapons?"
Let me help you. That great big screen? That's for sports, reality show idiocy, cooking shows (some love for Nadia and Bitchin Kitchen) episodic drama of choice (Justified) and Hitler Documentaries. The little screen closer in? You can get news from there, if you're careful and selective and willing to read a LOT of stuff and try to evaluate who's lying about WHAT.
But if you watch a cable news network you need an intervention - you're part of the problem...
Pretty much the only time I see this stuff is via YouTube or some place in the US when I'm stuck with it. In those latter circumstances it's really really discouraging.
It's not like CNN was a particularly wonderful example of newsgathering in its early years, but people just sitting at desks reading/introducing actual news items seems like some faraway fantasy. Wasn't it cheap to do?
Throughout all of this, the filmmakers expect us to remain sympathetic to the poor, oppressed, eternally pinched Nobbs
Pinching the Nobbs...
Sometimes getting actual news items to introduce isn't so cheap. "Mainstream" US newspapers & broadcast network news have cut most of their operations (esp. foreign bureaus) in the last 20 yrs.
Before ABC, CBS & NBC became divisions of conglomerates, broadcast news wasn't necessarily expected to be profitable, but to be a public service, or at least something network execs could point to as one.
At the same time news is cheaper to produce than Law & Order. The initial CNN model was to have some Washington, New York and LA people, some foreign correspondents, and then pick up local news for everything else. And it was in Atlanta, for god's sake.
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