Cupp essentially laughed off the idea of any feminist organizations coming to her defense.In the event that a feminist organization comes to her defense, they can't mean it! After all, she hates them and they hate her and nobody can want the rules to be the same for everyone, can they? A fairly old link:
“The National Organization for Women, NOW, will not come out and say liberal women deserve more respect than conservative women and we are not going to defend conservative women. They’re not going to admit to that but let me tell you that is exactly how they feel,” she said.
b. As usual, you're looking for any way to discredit NOW. You claim we care and work only for liberal women, but that's a LIE. We have defended Sarah Palin and other conservative women from sexist attacks. Maybe not on your schedule, but we've done so. And by the way, all those laws we advocate for -- we don't ask that they include a clause saying only certified liberal women can benefit from them. Conservative women benefit from them, too! Just because we don't open up a Palin wing on the NOW website doesn't mean we don't think that every single woman -- right, left and in-between -- deserves equal pay, full reproductive rights, justice in the courts, etc. So knock off the facetious whining that right-wing women are not represented by NOW's work.That was easy. A simple site search of would come up with quite a bit on sexism directed at various conservative women if anyone bothered to look.
“The outrage of Sandra Fluke will not be matched on my side,” Cupp told The Blaze. “It seems that feminism has devolved into an institution that has picked losers and winners and has decided that some women qualify for respect and other women do not.”Indeed, it might be a different situation if a nobody is attacked by The Voice of the Republican Party vs. a celebrity columnist/radio host objectified by a porn magazine. And John Hawkins and Jim Hoft and David Limbaugh and Adam Baldwin and assorted other nitwits. Mind you they'd never imagine getting a blowjob from a cute girl would they?

The Blaze does investigative reporting:
A copy of the image was sent to the National Organization for Women. A press aide told The Blaze she was not authorized to speak for the organization and could not say whether NOW would speak out against it.Geez, if you can get paid for trolling I'm gonna get to work.
Oddly, the first place I heard of this was from Lindsay Beyerstein who qualifies as feminist last I checked and who is harshly condemnatory of the creeps at Hustler who did this.
Just ask John Hawkins, he'll set you straight.
Geez, if you can get paid for trolling I'm gonna get to work.
From me, in response to some typical wingnut mewling, somewhere on the War Criminal Post's Plum Line blog:
"How come every time we start burning our crosses and shouting Ni-CLANG, you lieberals gotta drag race into it???"
“The outrage of Sandra Fluke will not be matched on my side,”
I cannot parse this sentence. "The outrage that is Sandra Fluke"? "Sandra Fluke's sense of outrage"? "The outrage on behalf of Sandra Fluke"?
Her side is not going to be equally outraged?
Just as well this person does not write for a living.
tigerbeatdown had a great feminist critique of teh Sarah Palin HBO movie. i.e., made the white guys look like the heroes.
I gotta put that site on the reading list.
Geez, what a twunt. When I saw your link on S,N, my first thought was "Gosh, she's so fucking annoying, but that is disgusting." Not because "ewww, peen," but because it's so fucking disrespectful.
I guess I didn't really mean to take offense, however, because I'm a liberal. *facepalm*
That NOW link is a thing of straight-talking snarky beauty.
Is it too weird that maybe the people working at NOW aren't keeping up with the last issue of Hustler? She preempted an apology so that if/when NOW does condemn it, she can say that they only did so as a response to her comment and not the offensiveness of the photo.
NOW are an omniscient feminist police force, so when they DON'T notice something you can bet it's by choice.
Sandra Fluke herself lambasted the image.
Shows how inconsistent liberals are.
Oh fer crissakes.
It's HUSTLER magazine.
Larry Flint's Operation?
I mean, fer cryin out loud, doesn't anybody consider the freakin' source anymore?
If everybody wasn't so single-mindedly dedicated to creating the Outrage of the Day™, they might stop to notice that many of the people and organizations that are generating their outrage are irrelevant...
They're not irrelevant if you can use 'em to beat up the opposition with. People understand what Hustler is, so it's better than Ayers and Alinsky and Churchill. No, that other Churchill you've forgotten about.
God help the fortunes of Democrats if Obama-endorsing Flynt does a Romney layout.
But when EVERYTHING is an outrage, real outrages become nothing more than a Hustler magazine pic.
The problem here is that we have decided, in our search to stimulate our 24 hour news cycle ganglia, that EVERYTHING is equally awful, and all we have to do is find it. So illiterate dicks from Greenville, South Carolina and Prurient pursuers of attention like Hustler become carriers of an important political message, sitting side by side with speeches, debates and official political advertising (which is gawd awful bad enough)...
You know it. S.E. Cupp's nightmare is not actually equivalent to losing your house and living in a car.
I find Cupp so... let's just say, I can't help but feel she actually set this all up, you know? When has S.E. Cupp ever talked shit about Hustler? They both get free publicity, everyone is reminded both Cupp and Hustler exist, those mean mean lefty feminist get razzed on, etc.
Is there a John Nolte freakout about this already? I'm too tired to check.
Apparently, this story broke on Glenn Beck's the Blaze, about Glenn Beck TV Host... S.E. Cupp.
Oh f'r cryin' out loud, she wears fake glasses to intellectualize herself, what's the big deal if someone uses a faked pee pee to make her look sexy?
I think we can all agree, though, that this is good news for Mitt Romney.
It's the Hustler Combo Deal.
On a related topic, have you seen the new (last couple weeks) series of Wendy's commercials? Just in time, I'm completely over the T Mobile girl and Wendy's has like a million HAWT redheads. Almost makes me wish this little yuppie hamlet allowed Wendys...
From my interview with Ms. Cupp.
I am pretty much TV free. Saw some kayak racing at a bar the other day. Is that the new thing?
I think it's in the Olympics now. Maybe the Olympics will have Wendys commercials.
Between the baseball season and the basketball playoffs, this is a very busy time of year for my teevee...
That Hawkins crap really is playing the John Candy card for all he's worth, ain't he?
Pointing out the actions of Larry Flynt is kind of like "nutpicking" right?
I've mentioned it before, but he is Stefan Seely from Pre-Teen World.
Or however you spell that name.
Pointing out the actions of Larry Flynt
I was under the impression that he is basically in competition with Rush Limbaugh.
They may share the same pharmacist.
I get the feeling that this issue will fly off the newsstands, but it will be bought mainly by wingnuts. Hell, they've been fapping over Sippy for years, I'm surprised that this photoshop hasn't been posted on the bathroom stalls in the National Review men's room.
From the comments - "Is it too weird that maybe the people working at NOW aren't keeping up with the last issue of Hustler?"
Yes, I'm curious, how did S.E. Cupp discover that she was the subject of an offensive photo in a magazine that degrades women? Which one of her conservative friends happened to stumble upon it while leafing through the copy he actively sought out and purchased?
Yup, same thought crossed my mind.
Did The Blaze buy a copy? They sent the image to NOW.
The LGM thread makes me very sad.
It's only a few folks. Just like here!
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