Hey, Sarah Palin's clubbing The Media with Trig! The referenced discussions regarding Trig's parentage
don't have a lot of there there and most of the people I spot that I think of as decent people behave decently, but guess what? A whole bunch of people have their names - their actual names! - attached to various Trig conspiracy theories advanced by a very few people. Everyone taking part in such a discussion should be embarrassed about it in any case.
Was Journolist a stupid fucking idea or what?
Incidentally: I really dislike LEAVE TRIG ALONE jokes because that kid didn't choose a life in the media, and of course personal experience makes me a little sensitive to picking on kids with problems but a post like this is kind of a bind isn't it?
The next time you start some dumb fucking list ENFORCE ANONYMITY BY ANONYMIZING PARTICIPANTS.
Here are a few names to get you started:
Germainebas Dajovey the Permanent Genie
Caridad-Kasie Cobalt-Ellipse
Naykploydheetklucl the Outmoded Radiologist
Noow the Vicuna
Rana Quoohe the Insipid Coachman
Pennubgoywegev Cira the Perceptive Barbet
Weethoud Clokout
Bois Cody the Right Whale
Thooqufarthoj Boufucoowo the Pitiful Midwife
Jayniw Snapshots the Balsamic Crystal Gargoyle
Myesha Gudrun the Allegorical Wizard Louse
Cohering Romulus-Caliber the Fresh Argali
Zetta-Sherrill Claudia the Silver Emergency Medical Technician
Zeecoojpoolxag Vault the Able Turkey
Wilfredo Debacle the Everett's Ferret Badger
Johana Noble the Crimson Mooneye
Zefchan Derby the Batonist
Suzie-Louise Ranae the Diver
McCormick Dajocroful the Southern Curator
Shondabol Hermine the Sabre-Tooth Tiger
Mucker Recollect
Hobert-Missy Rumbles the Difficult Plaice
Youb the Corrupt Crane Fly
Eleonor-Liane Magnificently
Pool Siciliana Goddess-Improves the Absurd Half-Elf Bard
Senator Qumara Brendan the Outlandish Clerk
Dupont Bugging-Generalizing
Kemberlygut Bishop-Saunter the Werebear
Fidel Ungratefully the Accidental Vicious Skeleton
Suthoudwequfayth Uplink the Hornet
Wohcrystallizing Sidelights the Orthodontist
Cavalierlycule Xawmevrunployd
Quayroloria Leads the Mesmerist
Dutemarian Semi-Considerable
Tuthmarquetta Thessaly the Interior Designer
Loulexxoypldix the Difficult Roseate Spoonbill
Master Sergeant Blanche Pinkie
Terribly Payquwouj the Chemical Engineer
Brutalizedkay Islamizes-Assemblages the Mighty Necropolitan
Kejled Internationally-Chad the Steppe Barbarian
Ediebol Advocating the Generous Tomb Spider
Cubells Measured-Bewailing
Chantommye Felix the Egocentric Courier
Pehblanks Laureate the Comfortable Hamlet
Spike Spatula-Shovels the Police Inspector
Flexibleshood Jaylayvwook the Stellar Wyrm
Institutionpoho Unusable
Len the Numerologist
Markpe Danita the Numismatist
Naye Rhett the Lobbyist
Kloke Overlook the Landlord
Diklelera Kathyrn the Ostracod
Nurse Koutjeeptoonolay Ambulances the Jack Dempsey
Purposely Cool
Tisandie Proletariat the Complex Exterminator
Alanna-Fernande Enquire-Berliner
Barrel Obviation the Death Shark
Mister Jicoudgeroys Robbie-Regressing the Seatrout
Robin Docwowmakle the Freshwater Flyingfish
Squirm Frustration the Sandknight
Ardath Ployd Deliberators the Grumpy Gila Monster
Yaraquel Copekeekoy the Spiny Dogfish
Aleida Chinatown the Pathetic Radiologist
Cortneythuno Shylock the Orthodox Swimmer
Dayt Jenae the Nutty Fire Marshal
Chutreligiously Adrian
Salvadoransuw Quadrupled-Poppies
Sumac-Getters the Gulper Eel
Grandpa Freeda
Auditions Argumentation the Falling Internist
Specialist Tusrooster Dice the Mailman or Mail Carrier
Abstain Bouggesh the Childish Kelp Perch
Jaimee-Kip Tomiko the Ironmaster
Rodent Apologizing the Abundant Marketer
Iseladir Andrew the Biased Thatcher