Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tut Tut

Elizabeth Warren is running for the senate and a thread about it devolved somewhat:

Others get a turn:

Maybe that thread does not rise to the level of disgust that I feel about the various makeover suggestions. I'm still depressed. And for the record Sarah Palin can bed anyone she likes, pre or post marriage. It's not my business and it's not like she's running for office or anything...


mikey said...

Well, hell, let's see.

We've got a democratic political system structured in the 18th Century now utterly devolved into bribery and corruption.

We've got a political leadership absolutely incapable of responding to events, yet always willing to exploit those same events to press their ideological advantage.

We've got a country now so completely beholden to it's wealthy corporate leadership that to even suggest spending tax money to repair a bridge or help a city hire firefighters is a non-starter.

We've got a military worshiped and fetishized by our population and leadership alike, a gigantic sponge absorbing wealth and promise even as the only way it can perpetuate itself is to break things and hurt people.

We've got a media co-opted and wholly owned by corporate wealth and political ideologues to the point where it no longer has the courage to identify basic facts as such, indeed, even goes so far as to present any dissenting view, no matter how fringe or discredited.

And we've got a population so uninformed, so disinterested that they believe any myth or just so story they are told, so crippled by fear that they cannot see the decline of their own community out of the joy they feel when they see it happen to THOSE people, so distracted by pop culture and smartphones and celebrity worship that they don't even know how to think about tomorrow.

Threads like these serve only as reference points in the long, ugly answer to the question "how'd we get here?"

fish said...

Between SEK's fascist tendencies, Robert Farley's deep throating of the military and Scott Lemieux's rah rah Obama, I can't hang around LGM anymore. And Charli Carpenter? WTF?

Substance McGravitas said...

Carpenter's gone.

Substance McGravitas said...

And I should mention that Erik Loomis is a good pick-up: I think you'd appreciate him.

Substance McGravitas said...

And what the heck, I'll take over my comment section and thank mikey.

fish said...

Shows you how long I've been away. I think I have seen Loomis about the internets before.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I blame fluoridation.

J— said...

She should ditch the Ben Franklins

That's right, because serious politicians only wear Salvador Allendes.

Kathleen said...

I'm depressed too

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

That's right, because serious politicians only wear Salvador Allendes.

I only vote for folks wearing glasses like these.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Or these.

Malaclypse said...

Oh, and Brad's misogyny was even weirder then Mobile's. That whole "cult" thing was strange beyond words.

Malaclypse said...

Yeah, what the fuck was that?

I assumed it was yet another libertarian with issues about women. Pretty rare, I know...

Scott Lemieux said...

Thanks you.

Substance McGravitas said...

I had this feeling there might be some grating teeth on your part.