...There may be some talk of inflation in China due to rising food prices, but the Chinese economy is diversified enough to reel in the slack. The really hot chick who downsizes her D-cup implants to B-cups is still going to be just as hot, and at least hotter than everyone else.Well what an interesting way of putting things. More:
Right now, China is International Playboy Playmate 2011, making her world tour and being propositioned left and right by fiscally slutty world leaders. She’s playing on their most obvious vice in a time of economic crisis: not sex, but money. The words of former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev are coming back to haunt. He predicted that Communism would one day hang Capitalism, and that Capitalism would sell us the rope to do it. Tap into someone’s vice when they’re desperate enough, and they will find a way to compromise everything else they claim to value. What does a married man caught cheating with a mistress do when he gets busted? He rationalizes.
Sources have told me, via indiscretions, that Obama and his envoys have told David Cameron and Britain’s Conservative government that he expects them to take a lead in Europe because Obama plans to distance himself from the EU to focus on China. It’s worth noting that he’s running from the most unionized block in the world towards the least. Via another indiscretion, I’ve been told that China runs outsourced book printing presses 24/7 inside tankers criss-crossing the oceans.Last time I felt kinda bad about that "who'd she blow" stuff, but I guess I can get over that:

Hey, she has a teaching gig, with which she can pass those lessons for success on to the next generation. (The whole moving-to-another-country deal seems pretty sharp.)
The words of former Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev are coming back to haunt. He predicted that Communism would one day hang Capitalism, and that Capitalism would sell us the rope to do it.
I could have sworn that those were Lenin's words. Hey, they all look the same.
But we should be grateful for her reminder that Nikita Khrushchev was a former Soviet leader; otherwise I might have forgotten.
She's about to venture into Swank country, I believe. And this:
Via another indiscretion, I’ve been told that China runs outsourced book printing presses 24/7 inside tankers criss-crossing the oceans.
What are they up to? Surely not printing anything she's typed.
Obama and his envoys have told David Cameron and Britain’s Conservative government that he expects them to take a lead in Europe because Obama plans to distance himself from the EU to focus on China.
"Conservative government"? Oh dear. Don't confuse her with the concept of "coalitions".
In the real world, Obama is probably aware of how much influence Britain has in Europe, i.e. 2/3 of fuck-all.
Via another indiscretion, I’ve been told that China runs outsourced book printing presses 24/7 inside tankers criss-crossing the oceans.
Evidently someone is having a lot of fun seeing what sillybugger stories they can leak to her as "in confidence".
The gallery on her website is somewhat toned down from cheesecake of yore, but there's enough there to invite some tasty indiscretions. I'm hoping a creative gentleman starts with the UFO leaks. Marsden could get the Vril hair going for sure.
The photo of her looking "me not understand" with Ron Paul is very good.
What are the boat people printing? Phone books?
What are the boat people printing? Phone books?
Bodice rippers, harlequins and simple sci-fi, the only profit making dead tree books left.
Wv: cuidis
Me: I dunno.
Two thirds of fuck-all he said
I pondered that inside my head
Can fuck-all be divided, I wondered
The remains laying scattered and plundered?
With fuck-all cut into fractions
One wonders if this will gain traction
And if someone with the right motivation
Might complete fuck-all's ultimate deflation
So, Obama Blew Hu?
Did he auction off the stained blue dress?
Who knew who blew Hu?
Rachel Marsden Lou Who, that's who.
That photo gallery actually makes me feel kinda....sorry for her.
She's teaching in Paris. Okay, she's bananas, but she seems to be doing as well as kooks can do without some initial stake of parental money.
That photo gallery actually makes me feel kinda....sorry for her.
It's a little strange, isn't it? But how much you want to bet she's referred to Obama as a narcissist?
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