Is a crazed former Orly Taitz patient who may be violent, used to be a lawyer, is now a florist, may need boner pills, may or may not be from the Valley, more than likely resides in Lake Forest or Coto de Caza, and goes by the nickname "Foggy" when he is not going by the nickname "Captain Cock" stalking the dentist/lawyer/real-estate saleswoman/birther queen?Also:
Often, when a person is feared, she is hated. What do some people with law IQ do, when they hate somebody, but cannot win an argument on the merits? They resort to retarded, infantile techniques. What out retarded members of the media do? They photo-shop and torture my pictures in order to make me look bad, hardly recognizable even by my own children. First, they paid some demented artist to paint inappropriate pictures of me. When that didn’t work, they started torturing my pictures to the point of me being unrecognizable. I am wondering how far this media retardation can go?Pretty far.

Roll in, sweet Soros bucks!
This is the plot for either the worst sitcom in the history of non-spin-off television or the greatest pr0n movie made EVAR.
Toxic environment, no one could have foreseen, both sides do it, free t-shirts, etc
Captain Cock, you say?
That's mom, all right.
What out retarded members of the media do?
How to unpack this? Media members who have been outed as tards or are 'openly retarded' and therefor out? Members of the media who have been out-retarded by that wily Orly? And she could out-retard a lot of folks I bet.
WV: asellyp That reminds me it's almost time for a nap.
That reminds me it's almost time for a nap.
when is it not?
From the comments at the Paragraph of Note:
Why the unflattering distortion of Dr Taitz? Is this what you call journalism?
I'm afraid to ask what a "law IQ" is.
I guess it's at about the level of a raspberry tort.
No, YOUR mom's the tort.
When you click on the Orly Story (poetry is just natural) also check out the MLK Surfing story. There was a sale where you could get%30 off Black Products"
Out AND retarded?
That just seems unfair.
It does NOT seem to be too much to ask to keep our retarded homosexuals in the closet for the forseeable future.
Kind of a case of "Don't ask the retard, don't tell the press".
Or something. I can't be arsed...
There was a sale where you could get%30 off Black Products"
Aw gee, what a nice gesture.
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