George Soros now rules over half of the Earth: Eurasia, North America and, with his foot in Brazil, a large hunk of South America.
With a Sorosian Barack Obama running the United States, a Sorosian Vladimir Putin running the neo Soviet Union of Third Millennium Russia, and that earliest of Sorosian visionaries, Dr. Henry Kissinger of Harvard, running an eternally Sorosian dialogue with the Tweedledees and Tweedledums of Red China, we have an entirely Sorosian New World Order.
The Greek Gods were thought to hurl down their thunder and lightening in the same way Dr. Evil casts his spell over the Earth.
One of the things I've noticed in my time over at FDL is the absolute certainty with which certifiable whackjobs hold their beliefs. It's never "y'know, I've looked at all the evidence and, on balance, I believe the world trade center was blown up in a false-flag operation by US Intelligence". Oh no.
It's "9/11 was a false flag op and you people are stupid sheep for not being willing to see the obvious".
When challenged on this kind of wholly gullible certainty, they tend to avoid the conversation and try to bury you in a blizzard of links to the sites of like-minded fellow travelers.
the Tweedledees and Tweedledums of Red China The what? China is inhabited by Lewis Carroll characters? I thought I had a handle on psychotic thought patterns but I can make no sense of this.
W/V is 'emins'. One Tracy is bad enough, thankyouverymuch.
I wonder if Moriarty has any of the same concerns about Rupert Murdoch.
Or that half the US Congress says the best way to be handling the national debt is by cutting a check for $3,000,000 -- each -- to the richest 120,000 people in this country.
Or is control over large parts of the planet okay as long as you totally hate liberty, equality, and fraternity?
The Greek Gods were thought to hurl down their thunder and lightening in the same way Dr. Evil casts his spell over the Earth.
It's a little more complicated than that.
One of the things I've noticed in my time over at FDL is the absolute certainty with which certifiable whackjobs hold their beliefs. It's never "y'know, I've looked at all the evidence and, on balance, I believe the world trade center was blown up in a false-flag operation by US Intelligence". Oh no.
It's "9/11 was a false flag op and you people are stupid sheep for not being willing to see the obvious".
When challenged on this kind of wholly gullible certainty, they tend to avoid the conversation and try to bury you in a blizzard of links to the sites of like-minded fellow travelers.
There's just no point in engaging...
the Tweedledees and Tweedledums of Red China
The what? China is inhabited by Lewis Carroll characters? I thought I had a handle on psychotic thought patterns but I can make no sense of this.
W/V is 'emins'. One Tracy is bad enough, thankyouverymuch.
The Greek Gods were thought to hurl own their thunder and lightening
I thought it was the Mormon gawd who did the "lightening." As in "whitesome & delightsome."
I wonder if Moriarty has any of the same concerns about Rupert Murdoch.
Or that half the US Congress says the best way to be handling the national debt is by cutting a check for $3,000,000 -- each -- to the richest 120,000 people in this country.
Or is control over large parts of the planet okay as long as you totally hate liberty, equality, and fraternity?
Also, the reputation scores on the Big Ho site are to die for. What a way to measure purity! Or at least resonance with the echo chamber.
To the extent that I could bear to read down the comments of that post, it looked like the more howly the comment, the higher the rep.
Following up from the comment before last:
Or, for that matter, what about Scaife? Or David and Charles Koch?
Pandagon has a scary little post about the Koch brothers.
Raised to be sociopaths.
that earliest of Sorosian visionaries, Dr. Henry Kissinger of Harvard
Wait, Kissinger is now a liberal?
Connected to George Soros somehow, therefore obviously liberal and communist.
We demand animated GIFs showing whizzing goal posts.
That is a good idea.
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