Friday, March 29, 2013

Fulfilling It

David Limbaugh:
Unlike certain cultural icons today, Jesus didn't preach what people's itching ears wanted to hear. He didn't cater his sermons to curry favor with the popular culture. He articulated a higher standard of morality than even the Old Testament did.

More importantly, He did not reject but wholeheartedly endorsed the Old Testament generally and specifically. He didn't come to abolish the law but to fulfill it. He said that "until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished," "the scriptures cannot be broken," and, "I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."

Jesus also affirmed the historicity of many important events recorded in the Old Testament, which many today dismiss as mere allegory or pure fiction, such as the creation of Adam and Eve, the flood, Jonah and the whale, the miracles of Elijah, and the miracles of Moses in the wilderness.
Who says the Bible is true? JESUS.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Yeah, yeah, He was for tax cuts and less regulation.

Also, GUNS!

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Who says the Bible is true? JESUS.

Well, that seems to pass the "burden of proof" test. Sing Hallelujah!

zencomix said...

Who says the Bible is true? JESUS.
Who says JESUS is true? THE BIBLE.

Who washes Pontius Pilate"s hands? ONE HAND WASHES THE OTHER!

Smut Clyde said...

Come now, Mr Skeptic. You know Jesus was totally a real person because of all those Old Testament prophecies predicting his existence.

Substance McGravitas said...

I believe the theologians refer to Jesus as Alphachicken and Omegga.

M. Bouffant said...

Unlike certain cultural icons today, Jesus didn't preach what people's itching ears wanted to hear.
Preached some stuff today's itching idiots like Limbaugh don't want to hear either.

tigris said...

Yeah, it wasn't so much the people who didn't like what Jesus said, it was the religious right of the day.