Graham: Tip your kids! (they laugh) A related story – a while back I was recently in a café. The waitress was neglectful, you had to flag her down, then she’d forget about you … and I left a very small tip. An insult really, but … it reflected the service. I sent in the other day … and she was on her game, she was very attentive, gave excellent service. And I tipped her triple what I was going to leave. Performance-related.Oh the shame he must feel taking that stuff that he doesn't want on a moral or financial level. Mind you he paid into it and therefore it is HIS BY RIGHT so I guess if I wrote him and asked him to pass on the cash to me that would constitute the terrible crime of mooching off that stuff he doesn't want or need and feels ashamed to take. Maybe he could ask for payment in hairshirts instead.
Wahl: There you go, she remembered you because you tipped her poorly, but it was due to her own performance.
Graham: It should never be a "given."
Wahl: It’s not to be taken for granted.
Graham: If it’s a "given" then it’s welfare.
Wahl: This is the philosophy of the liberals – getting something for nothing.
Graham: Are people deserving of an income just because they draw breath?
Wahl: Just because they exist. It’s preposterous. And furthermore … Why would you even want that anyway? I mean, Where’s the personal pride? Not only should you not get it, but you shouldn’t even want it. Now of course, if you’re disabled that’s another thing. I’m on disability now. But I paid into it my whole life. And I hated getting it – I waited seven years before I got it because it disgusted me so much. I didn’t want it. After I got hurt, I went back to work twice, and both times it put me back in the hospital. So then I knew I had to hang it up – and I finally did, after seven years, I applied and got the disability. The disability that I get, which I’m grateful for the rest of America helping me get – but it’s such a small percentage compared to what I was able to make when I was working, so, not just on a moral level but also on a financial level – I didn’t want it.
It seem that we know some folks on disability here in the bloggy neighbourhood. Spare a thought for the fish clan.

Now me, I have a good reason for being on disability. Other people don't.
Can't help wondering what that waitress decided to do with Gary's salad. I hope it was disgusting.
Wahl: This is the philosophy of the liberals – getting something for nothing.
That waitress should GET A JOB like Wahl^H^H^H some guy who has a job.
Now me, I have a good reason for being on disability.
I've seen the picture of you on your canes.
I did not know that being an odious shitstain qualified you for disability.
It's in the DSM as a category of Asshole Spectrum Disorder.
she remembered you because you tipped her poorly
There you go. I *knew* there must be some justification for the tipping tradition other than just a way for restauranteurs to shaft customers and staff at once. Apparently it's to provide arseholes with a way of being memorable, which must be difficult, what with the competition from all the other arseholes.
Fish has it easy!
America's favourite humorist!
I did not know that being an odious shitstain qualified you for disability.
Worked for me!!
That's not funny, that's sick.
I trained all my kids to use crutches. That way we can beg our way to a Cabo vacation.
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