But Taitz doesn't feel flattered to be in such company. She maintains that the painting titled Orly Taitz, Pancake Birther actually portrays her holding a placenta rather than a pancake. "This is really despicable,” she says, theorizing that one of her many political enemies put Lacey up to the work. But she says she’s more concerned about the effect the paintings are having on her children.More at the link.
For his part, Lacey quips, "I thought all of these were rather sweet paintings of her giving birth so I don't know why her family would be upset. Perhaps her children now suspect that they are actually pancakes." He confirms that some of the original Taitz paintings were commissioned (though he won't say by who). But most of them, he says, were his own inspiration. Lacey listed the paintings on eBay, where one sold for about $200. "Orly remains a popular auction subject,” he explains, "though not quite as popular as Michael Jackson."

Orly Taitz discussing the threat of pancakes (artist's impression).
the painting titled Orly Taitz, Pancake Birther actually portrays her holding a placenta
I believe Dio could have done an adequate job of soundtracking this.
More at the link.
I don't THINK so.
But for all the vilification that Taitz describes, she’s keeping her eyes on the prize. If she prevails in her bid for office, she’ll become the gatekeeper for the entire California elections system, meaning that Obama will have to go through her to get his name on the presidential ballot in 2012. And Taitz is emphatic about her intentions if she wins. She writes, "If I become Secretary of State, I will demand proper original vital records from Obama." Pancakes or no pancakes.
And that's the Bottom Line, Lieberals!
She's not as popular as MICHAEL JACKSON?!?!?
Shame on you, America!!!!
Now I can't decide if the animation makes her more or less attractive.
Initially I'd just planned to have her eyes bug out in pancake horror, but a little more bump distortion around the mouth made for a charming muppet effect.
"Charming Muppet Effect" is a serviceable band name.
Oh, I see.
Goatse? No prob, guys, have a gander.
But animating Orly's NIPPLES? WAY too much to ask...
She's not as popular as MICHAEL JACKSON?!?!? Shame on you, America!!!!
YEAH! Michael Jackson never gave birth to a pancake!
...so here's Orly Taitz with a pancake on her... never mind.
She looks like a sex doll starring in a Chucky movie.
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