Saturday, January 24, 2009

Greetings From Crazy Nutty Cuckooland

David Horowitz on Obama's election:
Second, in order to do this as conservatives -- as conservatives who have been through the culture wars -- we need to get past the mixed feelings we will inevitably have as the nation marks its progress in moving away from the racial divisions and divisiveness of the past. These feelings come not from resistance to the change, but from the knowledge that this celebration should have taken place decades ago and that its delay was not least because our opponents saw political advantage in playing the race card against us and making us its slandered targets.


Another Kiwi said...

Applying the decoder ring, we get:
In order to do this as Conservatives we have to say that it's not our fault and, and this is central to my point, it's not fair.
I might add: Boo Hoo.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Speaking of culture wars, is D. Ho. still trying to drive liberal professors out of universities?

(Teh Good Perfessor)

Righteous Bubba said...

That's always on the menu with Horowitz, but as editor of the fabulous Front Page he gets to have others work on his bullshit for him.

Another Kiwi said...

Yeah Front page is a tresure trove ain't it.

herr doktor bimler said...

I am puzzled as to why conservatives will inevitably have "mixed feelings" about the move "away from the racial divisions and divisiveness of the past". I can see why they resent it, but what is providing the positive feelings in the mixture?

tigris said...

That it's not yet complete, allowing them to puff out their chests at the injustice of other people complaining about lingering injustice?

Righteous Bubba said...

I am puzzled as to why conservatives will inevitably have "mixed feelings" about the move "away from the racial divisions and divisiveness of the past".

Tiger Woods may eventually beat them on their own golf courses.