So … what has me so exercised this time? Yesterday it was a woman with a baby demanding that McDonald’s pay her not what she was actually worth to her employer, but what she believes she needs to properly raise her spawn … a child she cannot afford.The world would be an awful place if you could raise a child in it.
This time it’s the learned opinion of the UK undergrad who believes that McDonald’s can double the income of every employee – including the CEO – by raising the price of the Big Mac from $3.99 to $4.67. Yup! You got it! Just increase all prices of McDonald’s products by 17% across the board and you can double everyone’s salary!There follows an amusing list of nine perfectly logical consequences, including:
3. Workers at other fast food companies quickly abandon their jobs to travel across town so they can work for twice the bucks at McDonald’s!Why that would be terrible, and it would be awfully nice of McDonald's to instantly open enough outlets to take in those workers, and nobody else needs jobs at those other places anyway.