Monday, July 22, 2013

Saint Aileen

Image snagged from this interesting site.


  1. But I get to choose the channel. Not so bad.

  2. Life and Death of a Serial Killer (2003) opens with a recap of the main characters and a reminder that the police chief and officers resigned following allegations they’d sold their stories to a Hollywood studio. It is illegal to profit from state work in such a way. Dawn and Steve were in on the deal too!

    Unless you're high up in the DOJ, of course.

  3. She appears to have stood said ground at the dentist's office.

    As an aside, I very seriously do NOT recommend ground-standing. As a behavior it delivers rapidly diminishing returns. Anything you do that results in MORE fights adds to the odds that somebody is going to beat the unholy jeezus out of you, cut you in places you'd prefer remain intact, or shoot holes all the way through you, allowing light to get in and other important stuff to leak out. I'd remind you of the well-known cautionary tale of bad bad leroy brown and suggest just giving 'em your steadiest tough-guy look and flouncing out before you have to find out if this ugly little redheaded motherfucker is the bill gates of streetfighing...

  4. Yeah, I'm with mikey. I prefer lounging my chair.


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