Monday, July 29, 2013

I Endorse George Gollin

Some regional news:
University physics professor George Gollin announced his intent to run for Congress Tuesday afternoon at the Champaign County Fair. Gollin will seek the Democratic nomination to run for the 13th Congressional District, a seat currently held by Republican Rodney Davis.

“Washington has plenty of lawyers, I’m a teacher and a scientist,” Gollin said in his campaign announcement. “Certainly law is an honorable profession, but as a scientist, I was trained to discover the facts, and act on them. Lawyers, on the other hand, are trained to argue about the facts. I think we have enough argument in Washington already, and need more facts.”

To broaden on his reasons of running, Gollin said that he got involved in higher education policy back in 2003 when he learned of “diploma mills,” which are criminal organizations that sell fake degrees. He had started to help with federal legislation on this, and when this bill reached the senate, Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyoming) had “tanked” most of the legislation.

“This was meant to stop people (from) selling fake medical degrees across state lines, so I was very distressed with that,” Gollin said. “Once the bill got out of a position where I was no longer able to influence it, politics and dirty money got in the way.”
Gollin was pretty much responsible for ending a diploma-mill operation some other gentleman with a completely different name mentioned long long ago. The link to the list of bad bad people no longer works, but this one does.


  1. We could use a scientist in the congress, bad.

    “This was meant to stop people (from) selling fake medical degrees across state lines, so I was very distressed with that,” Gollin said. “Once the bill got out of a position where I was no longer able to influence it, politics and dirty money got in the way.

    This probably explains the number of dumb-as-a-stump doctors in the Republican caucus.

  2. He could accelerate particles at them.

  3. Maybe he could help Louis Gohmert understand the Big Bang Theory and the other 'lies from the pit of hell'...

  4. Maybe he could help Louis Gohmert understand the Big Bang Theory and the other 'lies from the pit of hell'...

    There is not a Cluebat™ big enough to help that guy understand anything.

  5. George has hilariously tenacious enemies: you lost, loser.

  6. He burned a diploma mill that sold you a degree, and now you're angry that you wasted your money.

  7. George Gollin would bring a much-needed evidence-based approach to solving problems alongside a real desire to help people in need.


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