Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Ben Shapiro gives Barney Frank the smackdown:
"Government," says Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., "is simply the name we give to the things we choose to do together." This, of course, is eminently untrue -- we do plenty of things together that don't involve the government, thank God. One can only imagine how dull and dreary our sex lives would be if they had to run through a DMV-style bureaucracy.
HA. The joke is slightly lessened if we acknowledge that there are a few people who have to wait in a long line to get needs like that taken care of, but well-spotted young Ben. Do go on:
But this foolish liberal meme has value. It does carry a grain of truth: government represents us. Without us, there is no government. More to the point, without our money, there are no government programs.
Aha! There is government and it does stuff. Also well-spotted. What can be done with this grain of truth? A grain is a seed, right? And from tiny acorns mighty oaks grow:
The truth is that capitalism, not government, is the name of the things we choose to do together. I choose to pay somebody to wash my car; that person chooses to wash my car in exchange for the cash.
Stupid Barney Frank.

The rest of the column is about how Sandra Fluke should do Ben's laundry. No really.


  1. I think you need this picture, Substance.

    You too, vs.


  2. One can only imagine how dull and dreary our sex lives would be if they had to run through a DMV-style bureaucracy...
    ...The truth is that capitalism, not government, is the name of the things we choose to do together. I choose to pay somebody to wash my car; that person chooses to wash my car in exchange for the cash.

    One can also infer that Ben is paying for sex.

  3. I think you need this picture, Substance.

    You too, vs.


    I didn't know there was a Pedobunny.

  4. I meant to pay them to NOT ruin things.

  5. Fish just ruined the universe by making me think of Ben and sex.

  6. Good god!

    Does Glenn ERECTION??

    I'm not feeling well...

  7. The skidmarks! My god, the skidmarks!!

  8. One can also infer that Ben is paying for sex.

    It does take a special kind of writer to point out a counter-example to Frank's "government = cooperation" assertion, while coming up with one's own assertion that succumbs to exactly the same counter-example.

    Young Ben does not do self-awareness.

  9. You get distracted when you're thinking about ladies and your underwear.

  10. One can only imagine how dull and dreary our sex lives would be if they had to run through a DMV-style bureaucracy.

    Meanwhile, the conservatives he supports want to do this, sniffing around everyone's bedrooms looking for wrong unholy badness.

  11. people who have to wait in a long line to get needs like that taken care of

    15,000 women
    They camp out at my door
    None of them can get enough
    They all want more

    They each take a number
    They wait in line
    They all get their chance
    One at a time

    I think you can sing it to "Louie Louie."

  12. well-spotted young Ben

    Available now from Acne Products!

  13. You get distracted when you're thinking about ladies and your underwear.

    I'm sorry. What were we talking about?

  14. well-spotted young Ben

    Well, sure, maybe over here.

    But in Jolly Olde England, I'm pretty sure they'd identify it as "Spotted Dick"...


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