So, as answered by Republicans, we have No Opinion, closely followed by No One, with Other in third (okay okay this is not exactly a single answer but We Are Mean). Then Limbaugh and Gingrich are tied for fourth.
I am getting the suspicion that few people really want to be the loon who has to stand up and articulate what the Republican message really is.
63% of Republicans cannot or will not identify a leader for their party?
Sweet. I nominate Burt Prelutsky. All the old of John McCain, all the crazy of Sarah Palin.
But Brot is Bubba. Oh this is gonna be sweeeet.
Puntrooski/Wolfkiller '12
My "ABORTIONS FOR ALL!" slogan should be a HIT.
Wait, someone talks for a party that is consistently wrong? Good luck with that job!
The Party is a circle of which the circumference is everywhere and the center is nowhere.
I have no idea what that means but it sure sounds profound.
It'll sound even better in Latin and may summon a demon who looks like Professor Irwin Corey.
And as we all know, David Letterman is the voice of the Demoncrats.
summon a demon who looks like Professor Irwin Corey.
ideas, newsletter, you know the drill...
The World's Foremost Authority!
He'd slipped my mind the last couple of decades.
Apparently 93 & still performing, sez Wikipedia.
Scott Roeder didn't make the list?
He acts for them. There's a difference.
Cucullus non facit monachumAAAAGGGGHHHHHH
I recently saw someone get eaten alive in public.
Am I right to assume that the three columns in that table -- Adults, Republicans and Democrats -- are three mutually-exclusive segments?
Not sure. I'm somewhat surprised those lazy leaners bothered to answer.
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