Ace sez, on a stupidly long comment thread,
"Yeah, he nailed me, but misquoting a post in which I call Pelosi 'Granny Rictus McCadaverImplants' as a parody of the left's fondness for writing 'Chimply McHalliburton.'"
After which things are more entertaining.
What is even more sad and pathetic than Ace and Godlstein/G-dlstein spending hours posting here is that someone else may have pretended to be them and spent hours posting here..............And Ace....I like to call Bush ChimpyMcFlightsuit R.L. | 01.04.07 - 11:27 pm | #

I like to call Bush ChimpyMcFlightsuit
Son of the Nerd? The Nightmare of the Handlers? Chokeonchip Preppytex? Jughead O'Spooninmouth? Crusader Robbit? Righteous Bubba | Homepage | 01.04.07 - 11:36 pm | #

I prefer the first AWOL cokehead, myself. ~ ifthethunderdontgetya³² | Homepage | 01.04.07 - 11:42 pm | #
I like to call Bush ChimpyMcFlightsuit
Son of the Nerd? The Nightmare of the Handlers? Chokeonchip Preppytex? Jughead O'Spooninmouth? Crusader Robbit?
Commander Codpiece? Chimperor? Galactic Dustbin | Homepage | 01.04.07 - 11:43 pm | #
Commander Codpiece? Chimperor?
Now Number Two Son? Cronysaurus Blex? Cheneybot Pissysnit? Righteous Bubba | Homepage | 01.04.07 - 11:51 pm | #

Lord Clutchpearls? UnCurous George? Alabama Top Gun? Galactic Dustbin | Homepage | 01.04.07 - 11:59 pm | #
The Military Optional? Nick McName? Quagmire O'Drunkalot? Righteous Bubba | Homepage | 01.05.07 - 12:04 am | #

Swirly McClutchbucket? Endo D. Di Nasti? Skip Outney? darkblack | Homepage | 01.05.07 - 12:10 am | #
Mission Unpossible? Drunkenstein's Munster? Faghate McGaylover? Righteous Bubba | Homepage | 01.05.07 - 12:14 am | #

PS. Spelling mistakes aside, he really, really, really wants to avoid being called 'Junior'
Junior McJuniorpants. kc | Homepage | 01.05.07 - 12:44 am | #

Baco T. Shortbuss? Thurston Felch McCavitty IV? Junior June Eeyore? darkblack | Homepage | 01.05.07 - 12:54 am | #
Strategochump Van Dough? Bornonthird Losethegame? Simian McSnotto Yokeltard? Righteous Bubba | Homepage | 01.05.07 - 1:17 am | # |
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