Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Internet Brings People Together


  1. This entry makes me giggle far more than I'd admit in most company.

    Where is Ball Licker, Canada?

    Also, charmingly eccentric internet friends aside, I'm not sure goatse-people are the first people I'd be looking to Skype with. I'm kinda concerned you found so many.

  2. Where is Ball Licker, Canada?

    He's over there. Busy at the moment.

  3. Audio enhancement I suppose.

    Nope. Or perhaps Gnope.

    I would assume that a "goosh-goosh" sort of noise would require a tight seal, and that would mean hitting the sides. All the way around.

    Shirley you can see the problem here.

    I DO think I'll find a fart noise and make it my ringtone. Then, when the phone won't stop ringing, I can say "Dammit, some ass keeps calling".

    Hey Subster! Got an idea! You should see if there's anyone on Chat Roulette with a Goatse based handle. You might discover previously unknown, even unsuspected things about human anatomy. Think how much fun that would be!

  4. I thought the idea of ChatRoulette was that you COULDN'T search for people. I mean, where's the roulette in that?


  5. An old golf pro advised my against licking balls and I've lived by that ever since. Mind you, he was talking about pesticide residues.
    To find out, now, that there is town that advocates the licking of balls is a bad thing for Canada. Bad Cananda!



    Some people would probably be like, "Well, at least it's not a guy masturbating."

    Also: ROFL

    w/v says goatse gives me "trama."

  7. Or has seen him, because it is illegal to own piano players.

  8. Not in Ball Licker, Canada. ANYTHING GOES IN BALL LICKER!

  9. You can try to make licker out of balls if'n you want, but I gotta tell you you'll have much greater success, and just be all around happier with the outcome if you use corn, or sugar, or even raisins and prunes...

  10. I can say "Dammit, some ass keeps calling".

    Butt-dialling no doubt.

  11. Piano Guy gots groove. Looks like a music school practice room, probly a starving student. Could he somehow make $ off chat roulette?

  12. I don't know about ChatRoulette because I've never played with it, but he has the chance to make some change off his YouTube channel.

    Go to his user page and you can see he's gotten some mileage out of it, including iTunes releases.

  13. Okay. Confession. I don't really understand what "goatse" means, though I did name one of my pictures of a goat that I took at the zoo, "It would be irresponsible not to speculate."

  14. This is very amusing.

    And educational! I've learned goatse hell is in the desert.

  15. I'm gonna request that everyone be sensitive to Wiley and not just link her to that photo.

    Wiley, it's a pic of a feels weird typing this...spreading his ass cheeks apart. Like... A disgusting amount. It's not for the faint of heart. Or anyone really.

  16. Wiley is not real.

    He is Eliza's sockpuppet.

    Or an old LISP script ported to JScript.

    Or something.

    Me? I'd recommend shooting him in the head. Just to be safe.

    But that could be nothing more than too many zombie movies...

  17. VS is being led down the primrose path.

    It's actually kind of interesting, because I can see VS being led down the primrose path by Wiley as a Bethany Spencer digital art piece.

    But, as VS so quaintly admonishes, not one for the faint of heart.

    Protip: Wiley has the google...

  18. Oh, please tell me that you're not Michael Drew from LG&M.

    I do have teh google; but, having a very vivid and visual memory, I wisely chose not to see things that cannot be unseen. I have a rather sensitive gag response and can easily be haunted by imagery.

  19. Would goatse be a "suckbake" image, or does it require a stronger term.

  20. Wiley I wouldn't worry too much about mikey's comment; Eliza is here and I think mikey thinks you're one of the boys. You know, like tigris. I am plenty happy with the both of you here and I'm pretty sure it's just an odd misunderstanding. There are zombies nearby and mikey's a little trigger-happy.

    Mikey, wiley writes some good things and I'm hoping she gets a site where she writes more.

  21. Thanks, Substance. Tigris is woman? Hmmm. I rarely think of the sex of commenters when they don't have a name like "Bruce" or "Moonbeam."

    I've just finished organizing and tweaking about three hundred images from my "My Life as a Cruise Director" folder---"A Day at the Zoo" and "A Day, A Night, and Half a Day at the Beach," which is arranged in the order the pictures were taken. You can watch the sun go down on the Pacific. Is cool and kinetic. Waves come in. Waves come out.

    Am hunting down poems and pictures that go with them, and some of my faction short stories.

    Why do women so often do biographical art work? I don't know, but I do, and so do my favorite women artists.

  22. If I had my website up I could show you a picture of my primrose path. It's in pots in my front yard, and it doesn't really lead anywhere, but it could be referred to as "a primrose path". Everyone should have one, like everyone should have an aloe vera plant.

  23. Rick James really is a SUPERFREAK. Do not want to see where he stores his bricks.

  24. I wisely chose not to see things that cannot be unseen. I have a rather sensitive gag response and can easily be haunted by imagery.

    Wow, are you hanging out with the wrong crowd.

    Friendly word of caution: Do not click links from Substance.

    Or fish.

    Or Smut Clyde.

    or thundra, if you have a thing about spiders or squirrels.

    BBBB and AK are usually safe.

    Dunno about vacuumslayer yet. Usually safe from goatse-type, but often links to Top 40. I guess your mileage may vary on that one.

    My links, of course, you should just ignore. Hey, I'm a zombie; what do you think they will be linking to?

    w/v, as is it's habit, wants to semor.

  25. zombies. Sheesh.

    Now w/v is singing:

    "twenty twenty twenty four hours to go
    I want to be sedati"

  26. Hey! My links always go to adorable stuff. Insane wingnuttery is adorable, right?

    Also Hello Kitty vibrators.

  27. I loved squirrels. Who doesn't like squirrels?


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