Friday, October 28, 2011

They Funk You Up

Not really sure what this guy was doing at that Larkin poem:

Needs some cheerier thing than that I think... Maybe this is appropriate:


  1. I don't normally care for clay-mation (a bit too Pokey and Gumby for my tastes), but this rawks.

  2. fish drummed on happily while another clay puppet hung himself.

  3. I saw that fellow & wondered if he was really why you linked it.

    Figured it was someone banging his head against a wall of something or another.

    Proper, traditional ahem.

  4. I keep clicking and clicking and still no funk. *sniffle, tear*

  5. Beautiful! About proprioception and fear and friends. I love it!!!

  6. I keep clicking and clicking and still no funk. *sniffle, tear*

    He's a pretty hectic dancer, and there isn't a whole lotta hectic funk out there.

  7. Subst, your link's to chinese page, I don't read chinese!

  8. Ok, w/v is the most awesome new word in the world: suckbake.

    Ok, I want this to become part of the vernacular. Let's make this happen, people!

  9. "Suckbake". Give me an example. I just spent an hour writing a letter to my dad and his wife. Had I known about "suckbake" and its uses, I would have used it. I'm game. Let's roll with the "suckbake". I'll teach Clouds (my s.o.) how to use it so he can do his part, too.

    BTW, what's the rule on punctuation and quotation marks? I'll probably, invariably get it wrong anyway, but I'm feelin' kinda curious right now.

  10. The rule on punctuation in quotation marks is that when the sentence is ended the punctuation always goes inside the quotation marks. I feel this is a bullshit rule and I usually ignore it unless what I'm quoting actually includes punctuation.

  11. From M. Bouffant's link:
    Hanging is the lethal suspension of a person by a ligature.

    Typography is more dangerous than I realised.

  12. That said, I admit to injuring myself on the razor-sharp serifs of Gill Perpetua.

  13. Back in the days when I still had MS Word, I would routinely nick my fingers and hands on the Book Antigua.

    Come to think of it, and those rhetorical band-aids aside, Book Antigua is the only thing I miss about MS Word...

  14. Open Office is pretty grim too.


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