Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pumpkin Carving Time

Out for most of the day. Guess which one is mine?


  1. I dunno. I like the one with the googly eyes looking up and the zig-zaggy mouth.

    My favorite part of Halloween this year will be the candy sales afterward. Clouds has many ice cream/candy combinations to try out.

    Anybody have any thoughts on sorbet with Skittles?

  2. Here's a place where you could learn everything you want to know about chocolate skittles, wiley.

  3. Skittles get very hard when cold. Or so I'm told. Do not freeze chocolate skittles.

    WV thinks I should get my ceramics from Thailand. I will buy the floor thials.

  4. Not seeing any pumpkins carved Motorhead-style.

  5. I really really like the skulls one, but there's not a stinker in the bunch. They all look great, especially together. Martha Stewart would approve.

  6. Now I am pissed that nobody guessed the cute puppy. Except for Thundra who CHEATS.

  7. And now I'm glad I didn't guess the cute bunny.

  8. favourite is the minimalist one in the centre :|

    It expresses my feelings about Halloween fully

  9. I was waiting for one to move in a short loop

  10. There's no way I would have guessed teh bunny.

    I sat there waiting for teh animation liek a pope jumping out of one of teh jack o lanterns, but nothing happened.

  11. At first I thought you were saying you carved all of them, and I was like "OK, you are officially Fun Dad."

    But now that I know you did the pup, I'm all "Awww."

    But, seriously, that is a fine-looking assortment of lanterns.

  12. Chocolate skittles? More like scattles.

    Skittles get very hard when cold. Or so I'm told. Do not freeze chocolate skittles.

    They make good projectiles- perfect for home defense.

  13. I was going to guess the one with no face.

  14. Two of them appear merely scraped rather than carved. Is this a lazy Canadian deal?


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