The charges that brought the sanctions originated in a Seattle production of Lone Star Love, a Western-themed adaptation of Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor, in which Quaid played the lead role of Falstaff. The musical was scheduled to come to Broadway, but producers cancelled it.
According to the New York Post, all 26 members of the musical cast brought charges that Quaid "physically and verbally abused his fellow performers" and that the show closed rather than continuing to Broadway because of Quaid's "oddball behavior".
Mr. McGravitas is welcome to keep them.
ReplyDeleteHa Hah!
Beaten to my own local crazy-person news!
ReplyDeleteWe're not really competing in the same league, what w/ some of you having such bourgeois affectations as employment & daytime schedules.
ReplyDeletePardon the condescending pity.
Hollywood & its whackers are our local beat anyway, no matter where "Hollywood" may occur.
From the Whackyweedia. This is VERY WRONG:
ReplyDeleteThe charges that brought the sanctions originated in a Seattle production of Lone Star Love, a Western-themed adaptation of Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor, in which Quaid played the lead role of Falstaff. The musical was scheduled to come to Broadway, but producers cancelled it.
According to the New York Post, all 26 members of the musical cast brought charges that Quaid "physically and verbally abused his fellow performers" and that the show closed rather than continuing to Broadway because of Quaid's "oddball behavior".