Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Happens When You Waste Your Mana Conjuring Food

The lovely daughter's local high school:
A gang of angry online video game players tracked their trash-talking opponent to his Vancouver high school and broke the teenager's fingers, police say.

The teenager, a student at Eric Hamber Secondary School, was confronted during lunch hour and beaten because he had been playing an online strategy game with a group of friends who were beating their opponents and lording it over the losers, police said.

Four or five assailants made him kiss their feet before hitting him with batons, breaking his fingers.


  1. Wow. That's some top o'the food chain thuggin'.

    Didn't think Canada had it in her.

    We stand on guard for thee indeed...

  2. You would NOT BELIEVE the violence over doughnuts.

  3. Was this a World of Warcraft feud?

    Creating your own realities, indeed.

  4. "'I guess some people take these things exceptionally seriously,' Vancouver police Const. Lindsey Houghton said on Thursday."

    Also yup.

  5. C'mon, here in these United Snakes the guy would've been shot, or at least dragged behind a pick-up.

  6. The batons are kinda weak. Shoulda sicced the sled dogs on him.


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