Tuesday, December 1, 2009



  1. OK, now that the river's covered, it's pristine.

  2. So: was it better to keep the LA River or should it have been hidden?

  3. Now they dump the waste directly on the dry ground. Problem solved.

  4. Suggesting the obvious solution to global warming. If we just cover up the atmosphere we can continue to dump waste by-products of fossil fuels into it indefinitely.

    Who said it's not the crime that gets you, it's the cover-up?

  5. Huh? Whaa? Oh ...

    There are movements afoot to restore at least sections of our water-way. S'pose if it had been covered it would have been built on, & there'd be no way to "restore" it.

    Last time I looked, it was a good two or three inches.

  6. Janesville Wisconsin built a parking lot over the river downtown.

  7. "...everyone dumped the broken parts of their robot slaves there."

  8. Then the abandoned robot slave parts joined themselves together and using cream as a transport system achieved sentience. Whereupon they joined forces with the unwanted monkey butlers and rebelled against the evil humans. Sadly, and rather stupidly it must be said, they did it all underwater so who noticed?


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