Monday, November 30, 2009

The Robot Holocaust

Ingested some kiddie piffle. Astro Boy:

The story is this: Society has robot slaves, a kid dies, the dad builds a robot kid in the kid's likeness, then rejects him, the robot kid fights some battles, and is eventually accepted by everyone.

Along the way many many many robots with cutesy personalities are destroyed, abandoned, or turned into killing machines for sport.

This film would have been far more interesting if it was a robot society enslaving, beating, abusing, operating on, dismantling, crippling and otherwise shredding humans, leaving their mangled flesh to rot in piles underneath their floating city.

As a sop to robots, one is given the day off at the end of the movie. Seriously.


  1. What this movie is, is awesome. Since it was about the pain of loss, rejection and trying to fit in, I guess it was too deep for you, huh? Jesus. It had heart to spare, great animation, kickass soundtrack, damn it was the best thing I've seen this year, including that overrated UP. This was a hell of a lot more fun. Too bad you couldn't appreciated. Not every good robot story has to be Gundam you know.

  2. You call your blog House of Substance? With THAT dumbass review?

  3. What this movie is, is awesome. Since it was about the pain of loss, rejection and trying to fit in, I guess it was too deep for you, huh?

    It was about a society of Nazis who are grateful to one Jew for saving them.

  4. I knew the zombie would sympathize with the pitiful lot of the robot.

  5. In my day we had to listen to I Robot if we wanted to express the pain of rejection we felt, our alienation, our inability to fit into a conformist world. You emo kids today don't know HOW LUCKY YOU ARE.

  6. Irony is lost on the robot enthusiast.
    I think everything was lost on those two posters. You got a new person on the door, Subby?

  7. I think most robot enthusiasts are quite fond of iron.


    a fembot in a James Bond movie.

  8. What this movie is, is awesome.

    Sarah Palin considers yet another career, that of online movie critic. Fails, gets bored, quits. Moves on to advice column.

    This will not end well....

  9. Today, one can be amused (I have no actual idea, never heard them, do not care.) by the sounds of Ima Robot.


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