Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kid Conversation

Kid: Who invented skin?

Me: Nobody invented skin. You just have it.

Kid: Who invented blood?

Me: Nobody invented blood either.

Kid: SOMEBODY invented blood. ... Vampires invented blood.


  1. Which leads us to all sorts of valuable understandings of the relationship between foodstuffs and their consumers.

    Monkeys invented bananas...

    Capcha is neither short ortal

  2. I thought Gawd invented everything? Which leads us to the question of the extent of His knowlege. Is it like "Yeah, bananas are cool" or is it "The cytokine X region on the banana gene for yellow is pretty cool"
    Oh Oh Capcha is throping, stand back

  3. and brains.... by that logic, zombies invented brains.

    You're welcome.

  4. Actually, this is an interesting conversation.

    That previous thread, THAT was a kid conversation.

  5. Okay, vampires invented blood, but who was the genius who started running it through himself?

  6. Who invented bones? Werewolves?

  7. Pogitypq.
    Which came first, the fly or the poop?

  8. The Trickster has got to learn that the flaming bags of poop on the doorstep are no longer funny.

  9. So plants invented sunlight...
    Before that, animals invented plants...
    Before that, humans invented animals...
    Right at the beginning, God invented humans.

    The Bible, it's a COOKBOOK!!

  10. Curry jokes are up on the next thread.
    And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire.


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