Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Clearly No Missile Defense


  1. 'Scuse me while I dash over to Youporn.

    I've GOT to see the german porn version of this. There's every possibility it will include a significant portion of the chinese infantry...

  2. Oh god there'll be that thing with the bedsheets that kings and such used to do to prove that she was a virgin.
    This is why they had that John Hughes killed so that he couldn't make a parody!
    Sometimes the dots are so real I can touch them

  3. Yes, Kiwi, but you should really stop licking them.

  4. So Archie is going for the 3 way marriage?

    Huh. The evangelicals were right about that slippery slope, it seems.

    Plus, I think you should stop referring to Archie's missile

  5. Did Mr. Lodge die or did Archie just absent-mindedly smash his will?

  6. Mr Lodge appeared in front of the Area 3412 Death Panel and his application for non deadening was not successful

  7. I don't know about missiles, but it looks like Substance McGravitas planted a worm or a mole or a Trojan or a ceiling cat in Righteous Bubba's email account. Now those are the weapons of the future.

  8. Badgers. They hadda be badgers. Big ones too, with a bad attitude and smelly feet.

  9. Hey, and welcome to KGNY, where it's all grannies, all the time. At the of the hour our newsgrannies will bring you the headlines, then, after "grannies in traffic" we'll have a special edition of grannytalk. We'll be discussing the impact of arthritis on knitting, and we'll be taking your calls...

  10. I hate that station, every other ad is for the Jitterbug, and the rest feature Wilford Brimley.

  11. The advice Granny is hopeless. Everything is "have a cup of tea and a lie down" or "you'll put someone eye out with that!"

  12. I think we have established that all of "those" people can have their eyes poked out while "our" eyes are sacrosanct. Is granny now or has she ever been a member of the communist party?

    Here's the hemlock: dringute up.


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