Friday, April 3, 2009


In other words, the Vatican is rubber - no wait a minute...


  1. I like how the Vatican spokesperson pulls out the old wingnut lament about how censure equals suppression of free expression.

  2. herr doktor bimlerApril 3, 2009 at 6:30 PM

    The Pope on Condoms? Didn't they play support for the Cramps for a while?

  3. Yeah, J--, the "the Pope can say what he wants, the Belgians not so much" vibe was pretty sweet. I'm also enjoying the attempted slut-shaming by a guy who defended and even today protects boy-rapers.

  4. So saying they unwrapped the sacred joke. And it was read as it had been read for 600 years, although this time no one was hit by lightning.
    This is papal Bull!!!
    And well did capcha say "romflam"

  5. censure equals suppression of free expression.

    Never would the Catholic Church suggest that anybody keep quiet about anything.

  6. It's all rather sad because it means Benedict has made very clear he will have no more internal debate about whether or not condoms can be seen as a means to protect life. But I find it amusing that one state (the Vatican) makes a formal declaration, another state makes another formal declaration in response, and then the first state cries, "Censorship!"

  7. But hey, gays can get married in Iowa.

    So that's a Super Poke for old Nazi-Pope.

  8. "Belgian rejects censure of poop.."?

    Well, what's the problem with that? I mean...

    Wait, What?

    Never mind.

    But yes, RB is going to hell. Definitely. I'm glad I don't believe in it; dodged a bullet there.

  9. herr doktor bimlerApril 5, 2009 at 6:53 PM

    Latin is a dead language
    i.e. Latin is spoken by zombies.

    BUT Latin is also spoken by the Pope.
    It would be irresponsible not to speculate.


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