Friday, April 3, 2009

Resolved: Newsweek is a Leftist Magazine

Note the decline of Newsweek:
It’s hard to argue Newsweek hasn’t fully embraced the ideological left.
Clearly. Proof follows in the form of someone talking with an actress about a protein bar.

Note to Bimler: Homo sibi destruens sighting.


  1. Toto: "And its recent unflattering cover photo of Rush Limbaugh, not to mention the accompanying article, spoke volumes of its editorial choices."

    Right, and that article was written by none other than that raving leftist Mr. Frum. Volumes and volumes does it speak.

    I couldn't read the DiPippo piece. Just couldn't.

    Prelutsky's latest is pretty good. Perhaps you've seen it already.

  2. herr doktor bimlerApril 3, 2009 at 4:32 PM

    I couldn't read the DiPippo piece.
    Me neither. There are some things even Latin-grammar pedants won't do.

  3. recent unflattering cover photo of Rush Limbaugh

    What, he was in the photo?


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