Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Bible is TRUE!

I enjoy collecting information about studies that relate to some aspect of the Bible. Over and over, social science data tends to confirm the Scriptures.

A new study verifies the truth revealed in Paul’s statement in the Bible that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.

Paul didn’t say that money is the root of evil---although I’ve heard people misrepresent the Bible as supposedly saying that. Nor did he say it’s the lack of money that is the root of evil, although I’ve heard some people say that’s what it should say.

Yet I’ve known some poor people who were very greedy, and some rich who were not.

Well, a new study validates what the Bible said 2,000 years ago---not that it needs validation---that the love of money is indeed a corrupting influence.

Writing for CNBC, Mark Koba penned a report, “Just the Scent of Money is Corrupting: Study.”

Koba writes, “The report by University of Utah and Harvard researchers found that individuals who could gain monetarily through unethical behavior were more likely to demonstrate that behavior than those who weren't offered a financial gain.”
It's a pity there weren't other books on earth that mentioned this tendency, but few are as perspicacious as crazy desert zealots. This certainly confirms the story of Jesus filling up a pig with demons.


  1. Just you wait until the Anti-Pig Defamation League hears about this!

  2. ...I think the University of Utah and Harvard researchers should get themselves a camel and a needle, just to check.

  3. They claim to love these empirical analyses of biblical reality, but when I offer my own evidence-based proof that there is no god and the so-called 'scriptures' are nothing but a bad attempt by first century farmers to explain and influence a world they were incapable of understanding, suddenly it's all "but mikey, it's about FAITH".

    Roger that, sucker...

  4. Koba writes, “The report by University of Utah and Harvard researchers found that individuals who could gain monetarily through unethical behavior were more likely to demonstrate that behavior than those who weren't offered a financial gain.”

    Obviously the only possible course of action is to cut taxes for rich people.

  5. Who would have believed that people might do things for money that they would not do in the absence of remuneration?

  6. Previously only religion could explain these mysteries, and then along came SCIENCE.

  7. not that it needs validation
    "None at all, y'hear. And I am not being defensive!!"

    Biggest question: Is demon-stuffed pig as good as turducken?


    Men should only use the bible alone because of all the hot fucking stories. AND LOCK THE DOOR.


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