Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Katie Kieffer makes the pro-life argument for universal health care:
I agree with the president in that, as women, we have the right to make our own health decisions. However the right to look after our own health is totally different from our right to kill, which is only a “right” if we kill in self-defense. Save for the extraordinarily rare cases where carrying or delivering a baby naturally will result in the mother’s death, there is no argument for killing an innocent baby out of self-defense.

I am sure it must be very distressing and frightening to face an unplanned pregnancy. For the young woman, I can see how she would feel like she should have the right to choose to end her baby’s life so that she does not need to deal with the expected inconvenience. But how can we compare inconvenience to life? It seems like they cannot be weighed against each other.
Quite an argument to present at Townhall, Katie, but keep plugging away and one day you'll get your socialized medicine.


  1. It takes a certain kind of loony to turn a relatively simple medical procedure into a capital crime.

    But then, once you've invoked tyranny and hitler a few times, it all just kind of gets easier...

  2. Inconvenience, you say!?!?

    Montreal Mayor Michael Applebaum resigned on Tuesday, a day after he was charged with fraud and corruption in the latest major Canadian municipal scandal.

    At least we've still got Rob Ford to kick around.

  3. But how can we compare inconvenience to life? It seems like they cannot be weighed against each other.

    Florida legislators of the Stand-your-ground laws do not agree.

  4. Let us not forget the scandal of Islamofascist mayors and their homosexual agenda.

    Kind of can't believe it's Calgary, but maybe the city's getting better...

  5. I see from the coverage of the Montreal kerfuffle that there is a Sureté there, bringing up the delightful possibility of a quebecois Clouseau.


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