Monday, June 3, 2013


The genius of Thomas Sowell:
Too much of our current immigration controversy is conducted in terms of abstract ideals, such as "We are a nation of immigrants." Of course we are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of people who wear shoes. Does it follow that we should admit anybody who wears shoes?


  1. “Immigrant ancestry is to immigration policy AS shoe-wearing is to … immigration policy.”
    Analogy test FAIL, Dr Sowell.

  2. Bwa ha ha. My ancestors entered the country wearing these. Or did they?

  3. That's where the analogy breaks down, Thunder.

    We don't ALL wear pants...

  4. Damn, I saw the post title and expected cute planarian photos.

    I guess Sowell is a flatworm of sorts.

  5. A nation of air-breathers does not need to concentrate solely on aerobes.

  6. Does it follow that we should admit anybody who wears shoes?

    Yes. Is that the answer he expected?

  7. Well we all know what happened when Shoeless Joe Jackson got in. "Say it isn't so, Joe"


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