Friday, November 30, 2012

The Blind Leading the Blinkered

Sing it Brent:
“Reince, it pains me to say this, but if the Republican Party breaks its word to the American people and goes along with President Obama with tax increases, it will have betrayed conservatives for the final time,” Bozell wrote.

“I will make it my mission to ensure that every conservative donor to the Republican Party that I have worked with for the last three decades — and there are many and they have given tens of millions to Republican causes — gives not one penny more to the Republican Party or any member of Congress that votes for tax increases,” he warned.
Boy, if there's anything that makes the opposition mad it's conservatives staying true to their principles. So look to the example of Samson, my friends, and tear that temple down.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Taking the Train to Go the Distance to the Farthest Corner We Must Not Be Pressed Into

Marielena Montesino de Stuart:
The last train to save America has not left the station yet. We must not allow America to fade into the distance — and I insist that as conservatives we must not be pressed into the farthest corner. We have the power to benefit society, as we ought — by teaching that the basis for all public policies should not rest on ambiguous catch phrases or socialist ideology, but rather on the Commandments of God and on the Natural Law — which binds all men, for all times and in all circumstances.

I have boarded the last train to save America. Have you?
Marielena Montesino de Stuart lost in the primary for the 2012 Florida US senate race with 7.3% of the votes, which might say something good or might say something bad. That's almost 82000 votes to battle Agenda 21.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Alan Keyes Reviews Windows 8

It starts here:
These days, managing constant change is a challenge that faces anyone whose life and livelihood involves the use of intelligent electronic devices. The conflicting headlines from two stories I read this week exemplify the situation. One reported: “Designer guru Nielsen: Windows 8 UI ‘smothers usability.’” The other protested: “Why Jakob Nielsen’s Windows 8 critique is old school thinking.” The latter began with the following trenchant observation “Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was once asked what market research went into the creation of the iPad. ‘None,’ Jobs replied, in one of his most celebrated quotes. ‘It’s not the consumers’ job to know what they want.’”
and ends here:
Do we have no choice but to support these self-serving elitists as they abandon America’s founding creed? In the series of essays I am now sharing on Loyal to Liberty, I am trying to think through the reasons for withdrawing our support from them. I hope by doing so to encourage people still loyal to the nation’s founding principles to rediscover and further explore the understanding that animated the Christian Federalists prevalent when America began. Perhaps, by doing so, we can act as they did, not just for ourselves but on behalf of all humanity – to renew America’s window for the world on the foundations of decent liberty and true human greatness.
Like Alan Keyes, I am likely to avoid Windows 8 (if possible) without ever having used it, but my reasoning is in deference to SATAN.

Ann Althouse


The look of Jakob Nielsen's website.

This remains funny.

Friday, November 23, 2012

A Touch of Class

My love, let me show you it.

There are some aspects of this that are RONG but I have to set it aside for the moment and do things like sleep.

I guess this might as well show up again since I listen to it pretty regularly:



Light position, file-size and legibility update and isn't the little curlicue in the R ADORABLE?

It may be that the solution to the shadow problem is simply to pretend the letters glow a bit.




Any serious attempt by the GOP to win black votes won’t involve Republicans copycatting liberal policies. It will require going over the heads of the black and white liberal slanderers to offer a sincere alternative to failed liberal policies on schools, poverty, crime, etc. The more effective that effort, the more the GOP will be called racist.
There we go. Instead of just complaining about commies Jonah is back with the bold new ideas that will win hearts and minds.


Thursday, November 22, 2012


Jonah Goldberg:
Enter The Hollywood Reporter’s apology for “Hollywood’s Holocaust.” Apparently, The Hollywood Reporter didn’t toe the progressive line during the Red scare and it is now apologizing for it. Howard Kurtz celebrates THR’s better-late-than-never apology for this ”odious” and an “appalling chapter of the publication’s history.”

Well, okay. But “Hollywood’s Holocaust”? Really? That’s a moral and logical perversion. It’s hard enough to get liberals to admit that the Soviet genocide in the Ukraine was a holocaust or to get them to do more than shrug at China’s murder of 65 million people. But when Hollywood studios refrained from hiring people whose political views are out of fashion (they’d never do that today, would they?) that’s a “Holocaust”? Good lord, what is wrong with these people?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Standard Microsoft Failure

Hmm, this template demands a little bit of separation of text from image. Let's go with a bright pee-coloured background.

Okay, here we go.

For impossibly boring and possibly futile reasons, we need a language pack:

Let's see what the drop-down menu has to offer:

That's right, they aren't in any order, and although the page is in English, you need to be able to spell the script you're going to fuck with. Okay then, that's doable. No we don't want Dari, we want Farsi. (And who decided to make Amharic look shaky enough to be forged from the get-go?) Chosen.

As expected, the page is, irritatingly, in Farsi only, and while our talents with Farsi are legendary, pre-school children run rings around us. So where the fuck's the download button?

Wait, what's that field up there? Bing? Maybe Bing has a translator.

It does! And it tells me to enter a URL! I have one of those right here!

Oh dear, the Microsoft-powered Bing translator cannot handle a goddamned ampersand, a quite common feature of Microsoft URLs on Microsoft-powered websites, and as a result it sends me to the Türkmen language pack. Conveniently, the Türkmen language pack is formatted not-at-all like the page on which the Farsi language pack exists, and therefore cannot be used as a guide to the content of its goddamned fucking sibling webpage.

I wonder if there is some competing company out there with some sort of translaty thingamajig? Oh wait, there is!

Wow! It works fine! Can you believe it? So we download and off we go.

Okay then, let's snag us an Arabic language pack!

Just fuck off.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Tale of Two Big Hollywoods

Ready everyone? Okay. One two three four:

Christian Toto:
Hollywood types love to wrinkle their collective brow over the 1940s-era Blacklist.

Witness the gaggle of stars (Joan Allen, Michael Douglas, Liam Neeson) who participated in the 2007 documentary "Trumbo," the tale of gifted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo who got entangled in the House Un-American Activities Committee blacklist.

Now, the industry trade publication The Hollywood Reporter is apologizing for its own role in the blacklist. The magazine "named names" back in the 1940s, and the son of the magazine's then-publisher penned an op-ed apologizing for those actions.
Okay, people feel guilty. So what?
Left unsaid, once more, is the lack of concern about a less official but still pernicious blacklist going on in 2012. Conservatives in Hollywood face varying degrees of punishment for their beliefs, from angry whispers to outright job discrimination.
Ah! There is still discrimination! Give us an example.
Witness the reaction to Clint Eastwood's pro-Romney declaration at the RNC a few weeks ago. A prominent entertainment site openly wondered how it might affect the acting legend's career. If Eastwood isn't immune to the industry's animosity toward conservatives, what chance does an unknown actor have if he or she speaks up on behalf of the GOP?
Case closed. Someone wondered what might happen to the career of 82-year-old Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood. Will he make another film four years from now? Or will liberal Hollywood producer Clint Eastwood even hire him?

Hold that pee in, Christian, the toilet is over there and you can make it.


John Nolte:
Personally, I don't think Fonda regrets sitting on that anti-aircraft gun. I think she regrets being caught sitting on that anti-aircraft gun. Nothing in Fonda's statements or subsequent actions has ever shown me that she understands just how evil that act was.

And why she hasn't been tried and deported for treason is beyond me.

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Steady Guidance of Newt Gingrich

Former house speaker Newt Gingrich ascribes Mitt Romney’s loss to a GOP campaign strategy focused on swing states at the expense of the country at large, a misguided approach to the mainstream media, and the candidate’s “47 percent view of America.”
Give 'em hell Newt!
Gingrich is critical of Governor Romney’s failure to engage with the media personalities who shape and influence popular culture. He noted disapprovingly that Romney turned down invitations to appear on The Colbert Report, The View and Nickelodeon’s Kids Pick the President, while President Obama was a guest on all three.
What an idiot Romney was!
Gingrich is also critical of Romney for his now infamous remark about the “47 percent.” “If you have a 47 percent view of America, you couldn’t be president,” he said. “You shouldn’t be president.”
Quite right Newt! Don't sugar-coat it! We can take it!
The problems facing the GOP are far bigger than Mitt Romney, though. “This is a Republican institutional problem,” Gingrich said, and he is dedicated to solving it. Gingrich says he is determined not to let the GOP’s systematic failure repeat itself.
That's a fine and noble commitment to America from a sharp mind, a keen study of history, a shrewd observer of the political landscape, the one who saw it coming, a—
And Gingrich, at 69, said he is willing to learn. He declared of his own predictions for the year’s election, “I was dead wrong.” Indeed, Gingrich predicted we’d see Romney elected with over 300 electoral votes and that Republicans would take the Senate.

Perhaps I have oversold Mr. Gingrich.

Silly me, I left this bit out from up there somewhere:
He’s now hiring a full-time staff to sift through the wreckage – the failed strategies, the inaccurate polls, the reams of data—and find the most important lessons this election has to teach us.

Hare today, GONE TOMORROW.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.

Hare today, GONE TOMORROW.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.Hello, I am Newt Gingrich and I have found another new way to extract money from some sucker.

What the Internet Provides

Here is some subculture I am surprised at. I did not know there was a hip-hop drag-queen underground. Or is there?

I am a sucker for fog.

There is a hardcore scene in Rangoon:

Today, right as this is posted, I am walking a picket line in pouring rain. Is THIS what I have to put up with for communism?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Another Hangover

Nyan Mitt Romney

Hmm, a smidge of blur when you set the image up is good, and then you can turn it into an indexed colour image with very few colours, which cuts down the file size. Unfortunately this is too busy and hurts brains and eyes. I'll get it right one day.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Freak Studies 101

I don't get it:
Pennsylvania State University has reportedly rejected a donation from former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, who tells National Review Online that he tried to donate his papers to the university, but the powers-that-be in Happy Valley turned them down.
Why wouldn't you want those turds around as evidence of the depravity of early 21st century politics?

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Cal Thomas:
Now, back to sex. Culture promotes all sorts of pre- and extramarital activity as exciting, even commonplace. So how is a high-profile public official to know what is tolerable and what is an offense that can lead to resignation, firing, or impeachment? Divorce is another matter, as most spouses don't tolerate adultery well.

Wouldn't it be helpful to have a guidebook? Are there separate guidelines for military and civilian personnel? Should it be tied to one's security clearance? If the secretary of agriculture, say, is engaged in an adulterous relationship, would that be a lesser offense than adultery by the CIA director, or the secretary of defense? Should one stay in office and the others resign?

I have had drag and drop requests. Is it moosebats you were after?

Andrew Breitbart is DEAD DEAD DEAD.Andrew Breitbart is DEAD DEAD DEAD.Andrew Breitbart is DEAD DEAD DEAD.Andrew Breitbart is DEAD DEAD DEAD.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Christ That Is Hideous

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It turns out you can't just cobble together a filler post by stacking one shitty animation on top of another.

Or, to put it another way, you can.

Dear god you can nest marquee tags. The outer tag doesn't seem to want too many inside though, so I just pasted once more to make the background divs show.

Weird. And still awful.

What can these nested marquees be used for next?

Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse
Ann Althouse