Friday, November 23, 2012


Any serious attempt by the GOP to win black votes won’t involve Republicans copycatting liberal policies. It will require going over the heads of the black and white liberal slanderers to offer a sincere alternative to failed liberal policies on schools, poverty, crime, etc. The more effective that effort, the more the GOP will be called racist.
There we go. Instead of just complaining about commies Jonah is back with the bold new ideas that will win hearts and minds.



  1. the black and white liberal slanderers
    Needs moar Monochrome Set video.

  2. sincere alternative to failed liberal policies on schools, poverty, crime

    "Maybe You People should try to stop being such dumb lazy criminals." Pitched a good deal higher, of course, with much hand-wringing about drop-out rates, unemployment rates, and incarceration rates.

    The more effective that effort, the more the GOP will be called racist.

    And that will never cease to shock, will it?

  3. The more effective that effort, the more the GOP will be called racist.

    Jonah confuzzles the cause & effect. The more the GOP are called racist, the more they will know their efforts have been effective.

  4. If the darned liberals scream racism and that makes Republicans lose votes, I am not getting how making the darned liberals scream more helps.*

    *Yes yes, trolling is fun.

  5. tigris has neglected the all-important sex parts: Children giving birth to children out of wedlock, yada.

  6. When Romney, whose father marched with Martin Luther King Jr
    Please, Jonah, just unplug the lap top and go and get a real job. I dunno dog catcher in the Falklands Islands, whatever, before you get diaper rash.Seriously sitting in your own crap day after day is bad for you.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Who'll save Jonah from being a man? Not me. He's a peculiar boy...


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