Thursday, October 11, 2012

Another Processing Check

Processing is a nifty little package of graphical fun, and if you host your creation at you can embed it in a web page. Last time I tried it a bunch of browsers were messed with, but that was a version ago. One more shot, this time with grabby flingy cubes:


  1. It's fun flinging them.

    And you don't have to feed fish.

  2. That is so awesome. I can throw a temper tantrum in the safe confines of a webpage...

  3. No Java™ please.

    Did it mess with the browser or something?

  4. Now, if you could just make the whole thing slowly spin so that the boxes inside are constantly tumbling. That would be cool.

  5. No Java™ please.

    Did it mess with the browser or something?

    Assuming it did the same for him as for me, it just says I don't have the Java Plug-in and gives a link.

  6. Well as long as awful things aren't happening I may exploit that from time to time.

  7. What tigris said. I recently removed Java from the box, per hysteria from bjkeefe, so I dunno if I want to reload.

  8. Java's not the greatest if you want to keep your machine unfucked, but for the most part things that limit scripts on other sites will keep you safe. I use Noscript for my important machines (the work machine can melt down, I don't care, and what info can be stolen there won't kill me). For Chrome you could follow this search. You whitelist the sites you trust - would all your images be replaced with goatse if you visit here? OF COURSE NOT - and every other site has the Java disabled, whether your Java plugin is operative or not. Also AdBlock and a Flashblocker are good, because fucked-up code often hides in those: the bad guy sometimes manages to get a flash ad onto a legitimate network and you're fucked.

    And depending on what you're using your machine for, various Linuxes are perfectly fine and much safer than big company product.


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