Tuesday, October 9, 2012


A gentleman with a hard-to-pronounce name at Townhall:
In Michigan, union bosses are testing a new strategy to increase their power and clout within the state. A constitutional amendment known locally as Proposal 2, or the “Protect Our Jobs” (POJ) amendment, would invalidate much of the common-sense progress that Governor Rick Snyder has made as it relates to public-sector unions, potentially overturning upwards of 170 pieces of legislation.

In Michigan, union bosses are testing a new strategy to increase their power and clout within the state. A constitutional amendment known locally as Proposal 2, or the “Protect Our Jobs” (POJ) amendment, would invalidate much of the common-sense progress that Governor Rick Snyder has made as it relates to public-sector unions, potentially overturning upwards of 170 pieces of legislation.

Beyond that, the amendment has frighteningly broad language, overturning any state law that might “abridge, impair, or limit” collective-bargaining rights for private and public employees.
Here is the headline:
Labor Bosses Fight Only to Protect their Jobs
I suppose if I write a headline like "Republican Bosses Fight Only to Protect Their Money" Fred, um, Wzlkkdjhasek would say "Darn tootin'!" so fair play.


  1. Fred, um, Wzlkkdjhasek would say "Darn tootin'!" so fair play.

    Can we trick him into saying his name backwards?

  2. Damn them and their vested interests.

  3. The Republican position as currently adopted:

    "Rights - the greatest threat to freedom and liberty in history"

  4. In Michigan, union bosses are testing a new strategy to increase their power and clout within the state.

    This new strategy of openly trying to get a majority of people to vote for something which then becomes law is UNCONSCIONABLE.


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