Thursday, February 9, 2012


I guess Leviticus doesn't count.


  1. Genesis 17:13 "He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant."

    I believe this mandates circumcision of my Pee Wee Herman doll.

  2. Many will call Lord, Lord! but I will not hear them.

  3. i can see where rick would be against birth control...i bet he's more of a dash babbies against rocks kind of guy...

  4. I imagine the "render unto Caesar" thing is also something that Rick prefers to skim over.

  5. Does this thing force any actual Catholics to take birth control? Cuz I thought it was just to make organizations, who are not people and therefore incapable of having a belief, much less practicing one, provide fairly minimal insurance coverage to actual people, who can use it as their faith/conscience/reason dictates.

  6. Does this thing force any actual Catholics to take birth control?


    Or no. One of those.

  7. tigris has not heard of the sperm death panels.

  8. I am utterly baffled as to how grown men and grown women can stand up before everyone and announce proudly that they're not listening to the government, they're listening to imaginary and mythological creatures (and something called the Holy Ghost, which honestly just smacks of credibility and gravitas). The biblical babblings sound EXACTLY how it sounded when my eight year old nephew told me endlessly in an enthralled voice all about Pokemon. Come to think of it, the similarities are quite significant.

    But I'd be embarrassed. Mortified. Expecting people to poke fun and ridicule...

  9. Sperm death panels will be just the thing for the porn library! Won't the pixies be surprised...

  10. Sperm death panels

    Commission for H.R. Giger!!

  11. If you deliberate about the lil' swimmers one at a time it'll keep a lotta people busy.

  12. Unemployment: solved! YAY OBAMA!

  13. I'm so happy that I don't have a Twitter account.
    I can't believe the crap that people write...
    My husband is a practicing catholic (me.. lapsed).. I pretty much forced him to get snipped after our 4th baby. I thought that the Priests head was going to explode when I told him that at Massimo's baptism. :)


  14. Which does make one want to see exploding priest head animated .gifs.

    Just noodling here...

  15. Hmm. Might be possible. It'd have to be an awfully important priest though to make that kind of effort.

  16. he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised

    Does "Debt" have anything to say about the compulsory genital mutilation of slaves?


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