Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Have Been Waiting For This

To make this an Olympic sport. It's right in so, so many ways.


  1. This reminds me of an installation someone did for one of the student art shows at the university of texas. An area outside the main exhibit was cordoned off and filled with hamsters in hamster exercise orbs that look much like what these futbol players are playing in in this video. The hamsters were all rolling around and running into each other--- looking very much like a lot of college students in a highly competitive environment on a campus with 40,000 people.

    I like this and will sign any petition to make this an olympic sport. We need more neurotic sports that flaunt the rules and go for full, yet muffled contact.

  2. Henrik Elvestad og Johan Golden spiller boblefotball (Funballz

    You call them funballz, I call them ORBS.

    BTW, won't this interfere with the dramatic flailing around the ground European soccer players are rumored to do when they fall down go boom-boom?

  3. It would be more interesting if they closed off the hole in the top, thus making oxygen conservation a key success strategy.

    Y'know, I was always fascinated by the "shields" in dune, and how you had to develop a particular kind of skill with edged weapons to slow your strike so it would pass through the shield. And of course projectile and directed energy weapons were right out.

    This is sort of how I visualized the shields if you could see them.

  4. Dune is a komedy klassic I guess.

    Especially the dating tips.

  5. Competitive Zorbing.

    I keep imagining these at the annual cheese rolling derby.

  6. I keep trying to figure out how Zorb biathlon would work, because that would be AWESOME.

  7. If the rifle pokes out of the top they can flop down and fire it, and the barrel could support a colourful flag. Incidental contact resulting in accidental misfires could only add to the excitement.

  8. This is the best sport evar! Why do we not have this over here in the states?

  9. Especially the dating tips.

    Fear is the mind-killer, fish. But alcohol works almost as well.

  10. Which biathlon are we talking about? The skiing and shooting one? I think it would be splendid.

  11. Potential biathlon pairings:
    Freestyle swim/pillow fight
    Ice dancing/hot-dog eating

  12. I nominate Substance to be the guy who picks which sports will be included in the Olympics.

  13. That's probably the only way I could be persuaded to pay attention to them.

  14. Agreed that the Olympics need some Substance.

  15. Ultimate biathlon:

    Cover 6 kilometer course in backhoe. At various points, stop to dig trenches - extra points if you find and cut the fiber optic cable.

    Occasionally "Municipal Inspectors" pop up. Shoot them with M203 grenade launcher loaded with incendiary rounds. If participant is "in the bonus" at the end of the process, he gets two CS Gas rounds to hold off the judges and increase his score.


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