Tuesday, January 3, 2012

You've Got Troble


  1. It's like the fire truck in flames, isn't it?

    Is the whole world going to hell in a hand-basket, or do I just need more fiber in my diet?

    It's got to be one or the other.

  2. better than having Tribbles. OR IS IT?

  3. KATHLEEN made a Tribbles joke before I could BUT IM NOT BITTER ABOUT IT.

  4. ...hands up, all who looked up SyncMaster 225MS "just to see"

  5. Let me say this: the Syncmaster 225ms is almost entirely free of bees.

  6. "Adjusting the Monkey"

    An early, eventually discarded draft by Peter Gabriel.

  7. ckc, he's not gonna show us his pr0n. Besides pr0n named sync master sounds kinda lame.

  8. Phhhhhpht. It's no dragons fucking cars.

    You're welcome in advance for making your search terms freakier.

  9. Weekly tops:

    piplup 15
    cars hentai 8
    michelangelo god 5
    baby hand 4
    baby hand holding 4
    hentai cars 4
    larry d crouch 3 4
    banana casino 3
    black and white crayons 3
    google search new york where can i poop 3

  10. Besides pr0n named sync master sounds kinda lame.

    Featuring Joe the plumber and his vertical smile. YOU'RE WELCOME.

  11. Those are good...an the fact that piplup piplup piplup is still number one is hilarious...but I can so beat those. In fact I'm gonna do an entry on it.


  12. google search new york where can i poop

    If you actually have a post on this, it might be the first time the House of Substance has actually provided useful information.

    Of course, since the answer is 'almost anywhere, judging by the smell', it probably isn't as useful as I imagine.

  13. The world could use more searches for banana casino

    Wv: menti
    Hentai exclusively for men. As opposed to the other kind.

  14. Of course, since the answer is 'almost anywhere, judging by the smell'

    Where do you live again?

  15. It looks like big bald bastard hasn't gotten his puter back yet. That's so sad. Since I haven't figured out how to do the blogroll yet, when I'm on Ubuntu I go from her to big bald bastard through Substance's blogroll, then to riddled through the big bald bastard's blogroll.

    It's kind of like cutting through parking lots and alleys, though it's the long way around.

    Cyberspace is spacey.

  16. You should explore the wonders of RSS. On my blogroll the "my posts" and "my comments" are RSS feeds. They're an easy way to remain distracted. Once you get the feeds of a few hundred interesting sites you're never at a loss for something to look at.

  17. Yeah, clouds told me about the RSS feed while he was setting up those that I do have on my blogroll, and I plan to learn, it's just that I'm learning so much everyday and getting so much done with this house that WHEW---

    Plus my 96 year old grandma just got an ipad for Christmas. (I just had to add "Christmas" to my dictionary. Really?!) Just sent her a very encouraging e-mail with an attachment showing the actual size of the LARGE keyboard she can download for 99 cents from the apple store.

    She's wonderful and the patron saint of woods animals that like peanut butter sandwiches.

  18. Good morning. Is this where I find the automobile hentai?

  19. Yes, this is where the Cars 2 hentai is.

  20. Yeah. I ain't looked at no bog-rolls since I got the reader.

    Don't be skeert, Wiley, it takes mere mins. to figger it out, & makes one's life easier and more confusing & distracting.

  21. The world could use more searches for banana casino

    Is that in the banana hammock district?

  22. They should have a website that lists places to poop in all the major cities in the US, or maybe even the world!

    It could be crowdsourced, perhaps against a particular internet framework.

    I've GOT it! We could call it WikiPoopia....

  23. Why is Sit Or Squat ©2010 Procter & Gamble, I wonder?


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