Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Research and Ethics

Shorter Warner Todd Huston:
A guy gave some money to a stem-cell research facility but not those dirty embryonic stem cells and this proves that beating off to green ladies is cool because that guy's dad INVENTED STAR TREK. Also is that automobile really going to fuck my head?


  1. Car on wingnut-head sex is not nearly as hot as you might expect it to be.

    All those green ladies make me think "Hulk SEXY!" I guess.

  2. That car clearly dreams of being a parrot from upsidedownland.

  3. Car on wingnut-head sex is not nearly as hot as you might expect it to be.

    It's be hotter without the wingnut heads.

  4. Car on wingnut-head sex

    This portion of the comment made this video come to mind...

  5. Actually, the full coverage face fuck is not bad.

  6. Car-nastics is an Olympic sport in some countries.

  7. To boldly go where no tailpipe has gone before.

  8. Too bad the sites with the dialog of Hopper screaming "Mommy!" won't let me direct link.

  9. I saw a giant one of those Lightning cars that a yout' could ride in/on at K-Marta today, & guess what I thought of?


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