Thursday, January 19, 2012


Oh WELL DONE. Someone decided to leave the autocrank running on the chip machine and it's raining potatoes.

This is totally a Megan Fox picture, internet browsers.

YOU clean the floor. Not me.

All I have to say is

Hmmm, let's see...oh why not hot ogre-on-wight sex action.


These are requests. It's as plain as day.

You people BEG for it.


  1. So now we know the potatoes aren't all gone. They were just hiding.

  2. Glen Baxter did a series of "New Ways with Vegetables" cartoons, but sadly nothing about potatoes.

    Never mind, present for VS!

  3. I notice you haven't done anything with M.B.'s cloud, yet.

  4. I spent a little while looking for a photo of Megan McArdle's kitchen. She really needs one of these potato-chip machines.

  5. Wait, you didn't find it, did you?

    Why does she need a kitchen? Does that overgrown elf even cook?

  6. Smut, what's in that glass? It looks like an observatory.

  7. Monster McMegan needs a kitchen as a backdrop for the expensive food gadgets she buys and posts about.

  8. She also posts "cooking" videos. The cake one TBogg linked was too painful to watch so I'm not sure if she ever got around to any actual cooking or whether it was just to show off her expensive gadgets and slovenly habits. I did notice a candy-apple red LG washer full of unwashed clothes in the background.

  9. Oh, that's right, she's on video. I have to get into video theft again.

  10. Have you got any ass-crunching sound effects?

  11. Hmmm...

    And no, I didn't get the McArdle least not as far as I know. That one's pretty antiseptic.

  12. Now the movie Fargo has new and uninvited possibilities.

  13. See, I could have done something much more satisfyingly 3D if I'd figured out how make a proper potato in Sketchup, but it was easier just to drop the 2D potatoes into the funnel there instead of, uh, learning something.

    Also one of those potato chips is the legendary Jesus chip.

  14. Now the movie Fargo has new and uninvited possibilities.

    The potatoes and the chips are both particle-generations from Quartz Composer; any image can replace them, so gore would be easy, although I think I'd have to add a stream of blood droplets. Or orblets.

    Zombie should really investigate Quartz Composer for Sketchup presentations; the models can go in there and the antialiasing is good (which conversion to animated gifs destroys of course).

  15. I'm kinda bummed--yes--that you didn't cover up more of the--wretch--red part of his bum. *vomits*

  16. OK, this is weird. I just found a Christian Mingle spam email in my inbox and the w/v is "mingle." WTF?

  17. *vomits*

    Count yourself lucky that I didn't go for the eminently usable Hole Distortion option, which would have enabled intermittent release via...well, now, you can't really call what's in there his sphincter can you? I mean, he's got that one as open as it goes.

  18. Zombie should really investigate Quartz Composer for Sketchup presentations;

    Someday, my career may even be shambling back to life enough to warrant giving that a try.

  19. well, now, you can't really call what's in there his sphincter can you?

    It is the Riddled of the Sphincter.

  20. What walks on four legs in the OH DEAR GOD MY EYES...

  21. Rectum?

    Damn near killed 'em...

  22. The picture looks a lot like McArdle's kitchen, mostly because there is a giant asshole standing in the middle of it.

  23. Dillon wins a new kitchen appliance. No really, take it. I insist.


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