Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kitty Mental Powers

How many lame scheduled posts can you expect over the holidays? I don't know, but this is one.


  1. i just realized that i do not read your blog often, i'm proud to say, i've just spent the last 45 minutes reading past posts...time well spent...

  2. Well thank you very much. I am feeling all Christmasy for some reason. We'll put that to a stop with a dentist appointment soon.

  3. pro tip: inhale as much nitrous as you possibly can...

  4. We'll put that to a stop with a dentist appointment soon.

    Surely an opportunity for goatse posting.

  5. pro tip: inhale as much nitrous as you possibly can...

    Truth to tell, ask for the sodium pentathol.

  6. Coming soon: lamé scheduled posts.


  7. How many lame scheduled posts can you expect over the holidays?

    Look, it is Festivus, not some generic "holidays," dammit.

  8. Damned cool looking cat. Great black fur. Purrfect cat eyes.

    One of a cousin's aunt told a great story about a neighbor of hers, many years, before, who was a lush whose children were practically raised by the dog. Whenever the baby got too close to the street, the dog would gingerly pick him up by the diaper then drop him gently onto the grass near the house.

    It's really cool how dogs recognize children. It's really uncool how many human adults don't.

    FOCUS ON THE COOL CAT WITH SLEEP MAKING POWERS. I wish I had one of those. Clouds can't have pets though, except fish.

  9. Oh. so i'm posting double now. i haven't had that much to drink

  10. Oh, I see. I leave and you bring out the cute stuff...but when I'm around it's All Goatse All the Time. FINE THEN!

  11. I have special Xmas power to eliminate double posts.

  12. Zombie cat lulls the unsuspecting infant to sleep, then CHOMP.

  13. Did the cat tell you how to do that?

  14. Darned cute kitty bit! Cat's have amazing control over just how much or how little claw they allow into their strokes. Mine wakes me with carefully augmented amounts, closer and closer to nose and lips...

    note to self: locate claw trimmer!


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